a story from my life. (not a update)

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So this story is from my school days.(which feels like a decade ago.)

I studied at a all girl's school. That was famous for being lesbo (lesbian) centre. That's actually what they called my school.

Well I was around 13 or 14. I still didn't knew that a girl loving another girl was possible. Although it was all around me. Who ever do loved another girl were made fun of. Like a lot. My parents, in my locality, in my school. Every one always made fun of them. So being raised in that situation I also made fun of them.

Everyone called the tomboys lesbo. Yeah! By lesbian they meant only tomboys.

And evey class in my school had two or three. In my class there was two tomboys.

And the two year senior to us class  had the most number of tomboys. (And most handsome ones)

One of them was the most handsome of them all. Let's call her pb. Every one made fun of them behind their back. I did too.

But deep down in my closeted gay mind.... I liked her. Like who wouldn't. As I remember she had short boys cut hair. Fair skin, sharp jawline, a fit body and mostly she made the uniform look more handsome. Her voice was like a waterfall. So sweet. Her smile was brighter then the sun. Whenever she passed by our class I would secretly look at her. Secretly admired her beauty. I would stare at her during recess. Then go where ever she went. Followed her like a shadow but from a distance of 500 metres. When my friends caught me following her they would ask like.." where are you going this way?"

" Ahhh! Just to get some air..he he" (gay panic)my response everytime.

One time I remember pb was roaming through the corridors. During class. We had a teacher in our class. But she just passed by our class. And my eyes got stuck onto the door. Just to catch a glimpse whenever she passed by again. But one of my friend caught me drooling over her.

" Why are you smiling?" She asked.
" Ummm,.... Just remembered a joke." I said trying to fake a smile.

" Tell me the joke." She said.
" Ummm.... I forgot." I didn't knew what to do.

Then cut to few months later I saw my now bff let's call her s, was hanging out with pb. Like me everyone else also saw them hanging out in the school. At the time if you hang out with them you were cast out from your friend circle. But we were not that cruel. We were far more cruel. We didn't cast our s for hanging out with pb. We made fun of them a lot. Although I wanted to talk to pb too. But I made fun because I wanted to fit in.( Being a brown skin girl is not easy in india, believe me) ( I am talking about the year 2015)

Remind you pb was the most famous and handsome tomboy in our school. And s was hanging out with her a lot. But whenever we asked s, she would say they were just sisters. Pb saw her younger sister in s. ( S is short hence looks cute. And she still looks like a 13 years old girl, she is 22 now.)

We made fun of them so much. We called them a couple all the time. Although pb had a girlfriend in our class. Who was jealous of s too.

So by the end of our academic year s started keeping her distance from pb. They won't talk to each other that much. By the end s won't even talk to pb. Because of us. ( Where have I heard this story before)

So then we all got promoted to the next class. And as I said pb was two years senior to us her school years in our school ended she moved schools for some reasons. We didn't heard from her ever.

So why am I suddenly remembering this story?

Why do you have to hear this?

Well this story is from my real life. None of it is exaggerated. It's all true.
I am remembering this now because I was talking about freenbecky with my now s. ( The same s.)

I was arguing if freenbecky can be sisters of lovers. She said there could be all kind of love. Just because they acted lovers that doesn't mean they are gay.

I mean it's the same as me and pb.

I was like what? 

She said...well we had a sister relationship. She saw her younger sister in me. That she lost that year. I am only child to my parents so I lacked sibling's love too. So we connected on that. But you and the others spread so much rumours that my parents heard and called her parents, then the head mistress (hm) of our school.  HM made us promise not to see each other again. And pb got suspended. That's why she had to change school.

I was like what? I was in so much shock. I could never think that, at that time our innocent harmless fun could effect someone's life in such a way. That our harmless verbal fun was actually bullying. 

Why do you have to hear about it?

Now answer this. I would like to ask you another question.

Don't you think you heard or seen this story before? Or similar to this. Even as fans we made some comments that might seem harmless but very hurtful to them.

I am just saying guys that keep a open mind. There is not just one kind of love.

You love your mother. Your father. You love your relatives. You love your best friend. You love your friends. You love your dog or pets. Also love the fuchka or panipuriwala who gives you an extra fuchka.

You also love your  lover. But those aren't the same kind of love.
So if your idol says they love there fellow artist that doesn't mean that one particular way of love. That could be a sister's love, a friend's love even and guide's love. Or love towards her teacher.

There not one kind of love. Also there is different kind of love between lovers too.

Like one kind of love is very physical and another is like the lover might not get to touch each other ever yet be most committed to each other forever.

I believe in this kind of love.

I know my readers are not like those toxic fans. I love all my readers. And I know they are all the beautiful and positive supporter of freenbecky.

(I will remove if I see any hurtful comments towards any other reader. )

Happy Diwali to all🎇🪔🎇🪔🪔

Use fire crackers but in limit.
It's harmful to animals. But lighting fire crackers is also our culture.

Diwali is the celebration of lord rama's homecoming. And back them people of ayodhya celebrated by lightning there home with Diya 🪔 and light up the sky using their magical abilities something like firecrackers in the sky.

So it's a tradition. No matter what the influencer says or the Bollywood celebrities says... Diwali is about enlightenment of our houses and mind too. But we celebrate now with too much fire crackers and pollute the environment. So celebrate with keeping the environment and animals in mind.

Soundless crackers are best.

So wishing you a happy and safe Diwali 🪔🪔🪔🪔. 

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