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After taking mr. Wichai's life I was bloodthirsty. Like a tiger becomes maneater after tasting blood of human. I was eger to eliminate every opponents I had including mr. Armstrong.

But then I was reminded by saint that mr. Armstrong being becky's dad. But I had to get rid of him in one way or another. I was thinking what to do. In the mean time...

Saint already called all of my men in our den. Which is the abandoned warehouse of SRC FASHION . The office on the third floor. I had a lot of memories there.

Anyways I was so happy to finally see all my men in one place. I can believe them with my life. But that also made them my worst weakness. Because they were the people who actually committed all the crimes although I was the mastermind behind them they were actual accomplices.

" Hello! Everyone!" I said them with a happy smile.

" Welcome back boss! Haven't seen you in a while boss!" Someone yelled.

" Good to finally meet you." Said someone.

The crowd went wild. All cheering like I just won some gold medal. But all of them are criminals just like me.

I raised my hand to indicate them to stop. So they did.

" Everyone I am happy to address that I already sent all of you some money in your respective bank accounts. One million each to be exact." I said.

The crowd again started talking but this time to each other. Some with surprise some with joy. Some with confusion.

" What is happening?" One asked.

" Thank you boss!"

" But what is it for?" Asked one.

" Yes I do need something in return. That is your life....no no no. Not that way. I want you to leave this life of crime and live a happy honest life. I know you already sacrificed a lot for me. Or for my order. But now it's my order that you leave this life of crime. Live happily a honest life with your family. Your services will no longer be needed." I said. Then I stepped down from the table and started to walk out. But someone shouted.

" You can't do that!"

" What are we suppose to do?"

" No one will hare us. We can't leave this country we will get arrested anyway."

" So what if you don't need us we other gangs will."

I looked at them in anger. I knew this is hard for them to understand. When they are habituated to follow orders now they don't posses any will of their own. But that is no excuse.

" So I can help you with that. Who here wants to live a honest life?" I looked around. " Those who wanna leave the crime world come and stand behind me. And those who wanna live as they are now as criminals stay where you are."

So people were hesitant. But those who were total idiots with no own intelligence came and stood behind me. But those who thought they were intelligent on their own stood where they were. Some stood behind me cause they believed in me. But some came in pair pressure. Some stayed because of pair pressure.

But god I am sorry for them. Those who had chose to stay back.

" Well then boys...!" I waved my finger at them like a last salute and then left. The men who had chosen to live a honest life followed me.

A machine gun sounds were heard as soon as we left the warehouse. Yes I did killed them. To make it easier for my father-in-law. Now half of his problems are solved. Most of the criminals are either dead or living a honest life. And as I promised my wife Becca that last night was our last night together at that house. So I have to finish everything within today somehow.

I called my father-in law here. After cleaning all the bodies and sending them to the local police station in a garbage truck.

" Quiet a stunt you pulled today..!" Mr. Armstrong said entering the room with a big smile.

" You're quiet a man of your time. You said in 10 minutes. It's only been eight and you are already here." I said rasing my eyebrows.

I actually called him in the noon but he couldn't talk to me since he was busy with the bodies I send him.

But in the evening at five I called him. He was egar to talk to me too.

" So ready to talk yet?" I asked him with a smile.

" Why did you do that?" He asked.

" To help you of course" i said.

" Seriously.!" He said, but then his expression changed. " But you forgot to send one of the criminals."

He quietly stared at me.

I smiled at him.
" I am waiting for you right here!"

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