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" mommy grandpa is here to take mom away...!" Sam said while hugging p'freen tightly.

" Dad..!" I thought. I knew why he is here. I won't let him take p'freen anywhere.

I quickly get out of the room with the intention to fight with my dad.

When I go outside I was surprised to see not just my dad but also some police officers. Some even with ak 47.

" Becky! You came..! Listen to them what they are saying!" Aunty said almost crying.

"What's going on?" I asked directing my question towards dad.

" We are here for freen sarocha." Said one police officer.

Khun sam was watching everything from a croner. Whereas mon was standing in front with kath hugging her tightly.

" You can't have her. Just because you came here with a army that doesn't mean you can arrest her. You have no evidence." I said with confidence.

" We do. We do have evidence. A lot actually. Thanks to mr. Armstrong.." the senior most officer said being proud.

" But...!" I didn't knew what to say anymore.

" Do you have a warrent?" I asked.

" Yeah!" An officer handed me a paper. It is legit. They do possess a warrent.

My face quickly goes down. Knowing I can't do anything.

" Everyone stay where you are." The officer said and ordered" search!"

I had no idea what else I can do. If it was my dad I would've fought with him. But this is the police commissioner for thailand with a literal army. If I do anything they won't blink before shooting me down. And that won't help the situation. I just need to think rationally.

The police officers spread out and started searching for p'freen.

But she came down with sam on her arm.

" P'freen!" I whispered.

The thing that is very surprising to me is that khun sam is sitting still without any emotions. So is p'freen. Their facial expressions are exactly the same. I have no Idea what they are thinking.

My eyes started watering thinking about what they are going to do to p'freen.

The officers freeze at their place seeing p'freen coming down the stairs.

They all point their guns at p'freen. Sam gets scared with all the guns pointing at them. P'freen hugs him tightly.

Kath also crys out.

P'freen's face is still emotionless.

" Freen! I think it's time you surrender. It's just going to hurt your family now. Just surrender." Said khun sam.

I looked at her with surprise.

" Nooo!" Aunty crys out.

I still look at p'freen with surprise.

P'freen comes down and then puts down sam and tells him to come to me. He rans to me. I hugged him and picked him up in my arms.

" Babe. It's time." She says with a smile.

I am still confused. Before she can come closer to me some officers grabs her from behind. She screams in pain since the wound in her arm is still healing.

" P'freen!" I cry out. " No..! No! P'freen!" I try to go closer to her but my dad comes and grabs me from behind.

" I have heard a lot from you. Now you will listen to what I say....!" My dad said.

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