my love story part 2( not an update)

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I will update the real story tomorrow those who are not interested in my story can skip this one. Because some people are asking me about how my love story ended and do my family know about me being gay?


My family don't know I am gay. I haven't came out yet. Because I know they are going to react. So I think it's only right if I came out once I am independent. I can pay for my life I will come out...
That's my philosophy for life.

And about the first question the answer is long one.

So we started dating. It's wasn't really wired or problem for us. Since we went to college together and then same cochin only different year. My parents loved mon since she was a golden child. She only failed because she got sick with corona.

Our last exams didn't happened. So she got sick on the last day of exam she couldn't attend it because she was sick but then she got the report positive for corona. So she had to quarantine.

Anyway. She and I were enjoying. Soon my graduation was coming up. So I had to concentrate on my studies. Her exams were one month later but she still choose to study. Unlike me who studies only weeks before exam. She used to study whole year. She applied for remote sensing degree at a private college.

I was just trying not to fail.

Any how we still continued to date and study. She would come to my house sometime to study. And we really just did study. Both of my parents work. So my house is empty most of the time. And one month before my exam I stopped going to college regularly. I went to college only to sign my assignments. So you get it I was alone at my house. So she would some to give me company.

I know what you guys are thinking we didn't do anything. We just studied. Also geography students had draw a lot of maps and practical drawing. When I say alot I mean it. Like a lot. And I was in my final year. So she would come to my house and I would hand her a pen and say " please border the lines..."

She would happily do that.

So it was going fine. One month like that. My exams were finished so I was free. And I took her to my favourite place. It's a lake side park. Filled with trees benches and a perfect sunset view with a huge lake. And it was right beside our school. So we used to go there a lot as kids.

We went there the sun was already setting. We found ourselves a benche in the loneliest side of the park with a perfect view of the lake surrounded by trees. If you just pass by you wouldn't even notice that there was a bench. So we sat down started talking.

But I was looking at her.

She started saying how she hated college now that I dongo anymore. Also she found a friend. I was happy since she finally found a classmate. Because before she used to hang out with seniors us.(our college is aslo a women college)
So she didn't had any friends.

" Who is she?" I said.

" She is sara!(not real name.)"

" Cool. It's good you know you'll have someone to give you company in college now."

" But I want you" saying this she hugged my hand.

" Umm! We are outside !mon mon...! " I pushed her hands away.

" cham cham..! We are girls you know. You said.. remember. And I want to take advantage of this very much." She said grabbing my hands again.

But I just kissed her cheek.

" What was that ?"

" Our first kiss mon mon. " She blushed and started hitting me.

I really got a lot of punches that day.

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