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" sorry! Sorry babe! I....I didn't meant to scream at you. sorry! Please! Don't cry.... please!" I quickly ran towards her and hug her. Her tears finally broke free. She wants to push me away still. But I don't let. I continue to tightening my hug.

" Let me go! Go back to your perfect life!" She says.

" No! This is my perfect life. You, sam and kath you guys are my life.... Please let me explain..!" She is not letting me explain.

She looks at me with disappointment. Then she turns to the door and take off.

" Becky wait!" I go after her. But she wasn't stopping. She was walking too fast even for me. I didn't dare to scream in the road. I have no intention of letting others know of our situation. She is angry for sure but she will get Over it. Everything will be better. This is just our first time having a big fight like this since we are in a relationship.

I thought of giving her some time. I knew where she went to. The library. Whenever she is angry goes to the library. It's her happy place.

I stayed back at home until mr. Armstrong left. He didn't said anything to me. But he asked me to think about my decision. He still wants me to go back. But I won't. Not when Becky is so angry with me.

I stay the day at home with sam and kath. They were asking where mommy is.

I made her favourite food pat thai. She haven't had it in a long time. I knew she was craving it. I also made the dinner into a romantic one by decorating the table with a rose in a vase. And scented candles. Once she is back she will be more calm down.

Few hours went by. She is usually home by this time. But not today. It's over 10 pm. Way over than kids' bed time. I would've given her a long lecture but not today. I was sitting on the couch and watching the clock. While sam and kath already fell asleep.

I don't know when my eyes closed but when I woke up I find myself covered with a blanket. Becky came back!

I quickly stood up and went upstairs to discover Becky already in the bed sleeping.

I didn't disturbed her. Suddenly my stomach let out a loud roar. I remembered that I haven't ate anything since morning. So I went down to the kitchen.

" Did becky ate? She also haven't ate anything all day? Did she?" When I reach kitchen I find the candles that I lit are already extinguished after burning out. The rose was on the floor and the pat thai that was on the a bowl was half empty.

" Did she already ate? Without me?" I was very sad and to be fair disappointed.

I was feeling so sad that I couldn't eat anything I just drank some water and went to sleep on the couch in the living room.


Due to a empty stomach I woke up early in the morning. The sun was still rising. The red sunlight was coming through the glass door of our backyard. So calm. So peaceful. But I mind isn't. I ran back to kids room to see that they are still sleeping. I place kiss and both of their forehead. Then I go up in our room. My back is killing me since I slept the night on the couch.

The room was empty. Becky was gone. I check the bathroom , the backyard through our window. She is where to be found. I can't believe she'll go to this extreme just to ignore me.

She never wakes up this early but today she woke up just to ignore me. I don't know whet she wants anymore.

I reach to the library. If she wants to ignore me that's fine but I not letting her ignore me.

As expected she was there.

" What are you doing here?" She asked as soon as I get through the door.

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