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After searching through the town kongkwan finally found fon. Fon was laying with her head down on the counter. The bar tendar joe knew kongkwan very well. So he called kongkwan as soon as possible. Fon was drunk and pass out from it. In the bar with bunch of guys all drunk and dancing. Fon did attract a lot of attention too. Bar tendar joe did cover her  with a jacket. But her face was still showing and guys all round looking at her.

Kongkwan quickly walked towards her and picked her up.

" Anything for you? Kongkwan." Asked joe.

" No thanks joe. I still need get this one home. Do you know why she is here? Did she acme with anyone else?" Kongkwan asked putting on her jacket on fon.

" Nope. She was all alone. She was talking about cheating. Did you cheat on her? What am I asking? You will never right?" Said joe pouring someone's drink.

" Thanks for believing joe. I will get to the end of it." Kongkwan said while balancing fon's arm on her shoulder. Then she slowly made fon stood up. Fon was still passed out. But her senses were coming back.

" Good luck on that." Said joe.

After saying their goodbye kongkwan left taking fon with her. Although the town was small but the bar was at the end of the town on highway. So outsiders and town folks can enjoy the bar without disturbing the peace of the town. Kongkwan put fon on the passenger seat. The drove to their house. Fon woke up in the middle. Fon woke up in the middle.

" P'freen !" Fon said in a soft voice still drunk.

" Yes baby! I am here!" Kongkwan answered still focusing on the road.

" Where are the kids?" Fon asked in a soft voice.

" They are home. Asleep!"

" You left them alone?" Fon's eyes are still closed.

" No! Ms. Kim is with them."

" Why did you leave them?"

" I had to. I had come and get you back."

" You will leave me too." Fon muttered in her sleep.

" What are you talking about?" Kongkwan said in a soft voice. She was surprised though. In this sudden outburst. Why is fon suddenly saying all this nonsense. Kongkwan thought.

" You'll leave me once you get board with me!" It was difficult for fon to say such a long sentence in her stage. She was so drank she can barely open her eyes.

" Babe! Are you okay? What are you talking about?" Kongkwan was quite disturbed by fon's newest aquisition. She didn't even knew what she did to deserve it. She haven't looked at any other women since they left thailand. She was so loyal and honest to fon or becky for say that even she was surprised. But why is she suddenly being accused. This was hurting freen's ego right now. Kongkwan couldn't was left to rest and freen took over.

" I am just a toy to you! That's why you had that .. that ...ummm...contract!" Fon said stuttering. That hurt freen and also hurt herself too. Her eyes teared up.

" Bec bec! I am trying so much not to get angry with you right now. I know you are intoxicated right now. But that is no reason for you to be hurtful to me...! And the contract? That's like a decade ago! Why are you digging up that now.?" Said freen driving the car very fast.

Freen stopped her car near the beach. The whole beach was quite empty. The moon was high in the sky with a stary night. Freen's black car in the bright shiny sand stood out. Freen angrily stepped out of the car. Then went to the passenger side and opened the car door.

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