𝐓ᴏ 𝐂ʟᴏsᴇʀ...

695 60 35

The bell rang as both Jimin and Hwan run to catch up their class,  both have same class Jimin huffed hardly as he felt breathless after running to fastly whilst Hwan felt same Jimin cursed to Taemin under in breath because of him they are late wow on the first of university and he is late.

“ Fuck ” Jimin mumbled under his breath which was hear by hwan who was also running with him. Jimin arrived first at the entrance of the classroom door and with the thud sound he opened the door hardly making everyone who were present inside the class to flinch.

“ Good morning sir ” Jimin greeted the professor while catching his breath the professor was watching him with bore expression , hwan come forward whilst huffing hardly as he was also trying to catch his breath.

" So,  Mr Kim Hwan what is your today's excuse,?? was you were helping a old lady who was trying crossed the road .. ?? Or your bike got puncture Or you were over slept..??? " The professor asked whilst narrow his eyes to Hwan. 

The professor gaze fall on Jimin who was standing there with awkward smile professor stares at him for minutes and walk towards him. 

" New student...?? " he asked Jimin who just nodded his head whilst hwan who had press his lips together tightly as he was embarrassed as because he was insulted infront of his crush...??? 

' was i have crush on him..?  ' he asked himself into his mind not wanting anyone to hear him. He was lost unknown by the fact whole was laughing on him when the shrilly and annoying voice of laughing reaches in his ears a pink tint across his cheeks making them slightly pink he lowered his head.

" Hwan did you want to stood there whole year....? " asked the professor hwan abruptly nodded his head as no he hurry up run towards his desk. 

" would  you like to introduce yourself..?  " again the professor but to Jimin who scratch his neck through his hand.

“ Hello,  Everyone This Your future Boyfriend Park Jimin... ” He flirted to everyone while winking to them girls almost blushes hardly some boys blushes and some of throw disgusting look to him but did he care ofcourse not. 

Note Jimin had register his surname as Park Instead of Jeon as he loved his previous surname more then his new one. 

The professor clear his throat and eyes Jimin from top to bottom and told him to seat on his desk he (Jimin)  looked everywhere finding a empty seat for him but couldn't found any, he pout lightly girls almost coos to him. 

“ But...sir there's no seat available for me... ” he told the professor who turn back to make confirm that he was not lying .

Abruptly the girls began to make seat from him pushing there boy deskmate to floor.  Jimin chuckles softly. 

" Jimin sit with me..!!!! "  A girl shout

" no he will sit with me ..!!!!" 

" oh is this so,  lol then you are fool cause he gonna sit with me. right jimin..??  "

Girl were fighting with and argued with each other with whom Jimin will seat.  Boys were burning in jealousy not liking this new boy called 'Park Jimin '

"Silence everyone!!!!!! " the professor yelled loudly making every  single students to shut up , A peaceful silence fall onto class room. 

" Good " The professor said. 

" So, Park Jimin you will seat alone on the last desk!  " He told Jimin not wanting to disturb his class which was obviously already. A pout form on his lips as he doesn't want to seat on the last desk but that's not like that he have any choice .

Like that day went fastly and come now to end everyone were packing their things as it was about to end of university for today, Jimin was obviously so tired the bell rang as the professor left the classroom not before 'telling students to finish their homework on time' all students groans in annoyance as they don't want any homework but when the professor shot them a death glare in which they gulped hardly and accepting whatever is giving by the professor. 

Jimin step out from the classroom stretching his body suddenly he was back hugged by..... Taemin..? 

“ What the hell Taemin what the fuck you are doing leave it bitch!!!!!!  ” hissed Jimin whilst trying to free himself from a Taemin gripped which he was couldn't able too. 

"Baby~ " Taemin whispered into Jimin's ear. 

Jimin turned around and face Taemin he raised his hands and pressed his palm to his chest and pushed hardly as he can, which seems like work it, Taemin was taken away by Jimin strength he may look small but his strength is no joke. He was pushed to wall by Jimin and free himself from his griped taking that opportunity he ( Jimin ) run and run, run until he was far way from Taemin whilst Hwan was coming out from principle office after being scold by the principal himself. 

He was now out of university waiting for Jimin to come he looked at his smart watch which was showing , 5:10 pm .

" where the hell he is..?  " complain hwan he looked up just to met by running jimin who was running towards his direction Jimin looked back making sure Taemin was not behind him ,he didn't notice he was so close to hwan who was seems confused why was Jimin running while looking back...?  That's the only question was in is mind Jimin was coming close whilst still looking back..

He was coming close

And close

And close.


' Thud '

Jimin bumped into hwan and both fall on land Jimin was on top of hwan body while hwan was the one who was on land on his back both got lost in each others eyes. Jimin was eyesing hwan lips as he leaned forward he was to close.

He was leaning closer

And closer

And closer


To be continue..





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