Chapter 11

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"Mikayla..." Chase looks hurt as he walks towards me sitting on the bed. 

"N-no, Chase. Back up. I was just drunk and I...wasn't thinking." I say, pushing past his reaching arms. 

"Wait, what? You don't actually find me good-looking? You don't even like me?" Chase asks, watching me get dressed, his hands stuffed in his pockets. 

"No, Chase. I'm just not ready for anything serious. We had our one-time thing, now we act like nothing ever happened, okay?" I say trying to zip up my dress.

"It's on your back, too? Kay... are you okay? I mean, it's obvious that you aren't. Do you need me? Do you need help? I'm here if you-"

"Chase," I say, tears now rolling down my face. "I'm okay." I lied. My whole world just disintegrated. I look him in the eyes then shake my head slowly. I zip my dress up and leave, slamming the door shut behind me. 

I ignore all of his calls for me as I walk down the stairs. I ignore Joey's reach for me as I am walking out of the house, and I ignore Haylee asking, "What happened, why are you crying?"

Why is my stupid brain like this? Did the peer pressure get to me and I just forgot about my scars? Forgot about my mental state for a little while? 

I'm not ready for anything like that. I might never be.

I leave. Chase watches me walk to my truck and pull off. He looks hurt, but only in his eyes. He doesn't show it anywhere else. I don't even put on music. My whole life is a mess. I punch my steering wheel, causing my knuckles to turn red and my horn to go off. I cry and cry until I reach the house.

Once I'm home, I throw my purse down and kick off my heels. I then ran upstairs. Mom and Dad aren't home. That means I can cry as loud as I want. 


After taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and doing my facial routine, I cry some more. It's now ten o'clock. Joey still isn't home. I feel like going to sleep until my phone buzzes. Again. This time I actually feel like looking at it. It's a random number message. I open it anyway. 

"Daniel?" I accidentally say out loud, confused. How'd he get my number? What does he want?

A million things were running through my mind at the moment.

 I finally snap back to reality and look down at my phone.

He texted, this is Daniel and did he touch you?

My whole room turns dark except my phone screen light. I'm frozen again. I plan out a thousand responses in my head but my fingers don't move. Is he still drunk? He can't be serious. He hates me. 

After a few minutes of complete awe, my fingers start moving across the screen.

I text back, still in shock, What the hell? It's none of your business.

What has gotten into him?

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