Chapter 42

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Daniel's POV

"Yes, you are free to leave," the doctor sighs and a nurse places my belongings on a chair beside me. 

It's two days after Thanksgiving and I was told Mikayla was getting let out too. I get up with some help from the nurse and my leg has a stinging pain shooting through it. 

"You alright?" She asks, smiling.

"Yes, of course," I say, ignoring the rest of the pain in my body while grabbing my belongings.

She hands me my crutches. Not because I have a broken leg or ankle, just because my gun wound was made worse by... Lane... and I can't put a lot of weight on that leg.

I nod gratefully at the nurse and carry my stuff carefully while using the crutches at the same time. 

"I can walk out with you." She says, grabbing my stuff. 

I was going to stop by Mikayla's room but that idea is dropped now. I nod and walk to the elevators with her. My body aches again and my brain wants to drown itself in alcohol. 

I get to my truck with the nurse's help and can't help feeling embarrassed. She lays my belongings in the back seat along with my crutches and I plop in the driver's seat, grimacing slightly.

"Okay, you alright? I have to go now." She smiles gently and I nod.

She walks off and I sigh, cranking up the truck. I want to drive home to Dad. I want to apologize and smoke with him. So I do. 

I drive right up into the driveway but don't see him outside. I sigh and yank my crutches out of the back seat aggressively, balance with them, and slam the truck door shut. I go up the porch stairs carefully and ring the doorbell. 

He opens the door, looking sober. 

My mouth hangs open. 

"Hey, son." He whispers and pulls me into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry." He whimpers. I pull back and see tears rolling down his face. 

"Shit, Dad. It's fine. All of this was my fault. I should've never treated you that way. I'll pay you back, too." I say, looking away from his sad eyes. 

"Okay, son. Just know I forgive you and I've been sober since I found out you were in the hospital and I plan on staying this way." He lets out a long sigh and lets me inside. I breathe in the warmth and use my crutches to get to the couch. 

I smile, wondering if he'll keep his promise. 

"So, this girl," he chuckles. 

"Dad." I roll my eyes sarcastically. 

"You should invite her over for dinner soon. I want to meet your future ass-kicking wife. She sounds brave from what the cops told me." He laughs and leans back. 

"She is. She really is." I smile.

Dad and I laugh and talk about girls and football like how we used to when Mom was alive. It makes my heart happy to hear my dad sober. It makes some of the pain wash away. At least until my phone buzzes continuously and I groan. 

"You better answer that," he says, smiling.

I look down at my phone. It's Mikayla. She's calling me. 

"You're smiling. Is it your girlfriend?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him and he chuckles. I answer it.

"Hey, Mick," I say, softly.

"Daniel, meet me at my house. My mom wants to meet with you." She says, sounding rushed. 


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