Chapter 31

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Mikayla's POV

I woke up with a massive, excruciating pain in my stomach. My eyes stung when I remembered why. Mom and Joey are really happy and the doctor told me I could leave in three days. 

"Daniel visited," Joey speaks, spooking me from the long awkward since since the doctor left.

My heart flutters. "What'd he say?" 

"He said he cared for you and that you two are still trying to get on the same track with each other. He also said you were very understanding and stuff..." He trails off.

"Joey. What else?" I whisper because Mom is asleep.

"Once I told him what happened, he threatened to kill Dad," he clears his throat. "He left angrily and I don't know what he has done."

My heart feels weighted again. My throat is dry and tight. I feel a warm tear roll down my cheek with no warning. 

"So, Dad is still out there?" I sniffle.

"Yeah," Joey whispers sadly. 

"Give me my phone." 

After Joey has fiddled through my things, he finds my phone and hands it to me. I called Daniel.

"Mikayla?" His voice sounds worried but happy at the same time.

"Hey, Daniel." I smile over the phone.

"Oh, thank God. I was hoping it wasn't your mom calling that you're... dead," he goes silent but starts back quietly, "Are you okay, Mick? Um, Mikayla, I mean." 

I hear him curse over the phone quietly and I chuckle.

"It's okay, Dan. You can call me Mick." I giggle and Joey looks at me weird. I just flip him off and continue talking to Daniel. He made me happy for some reason. 

I hate it. It's weird. However, I love the happiness feeling, just hating the fact I don't understand why.

"I'm happy you're okay, Mick." 

"Yeah, thanks. Me too. Um... so. You know what happened?" I ask, already knowing the truth.

"Yeah, yes. I do." He clears his throat. 

Before I could ask what the hell did he do, he spoke.

"I wanted to kill him. For you. I almost... I-..." He stops and I wait patiently, ignoring the warm tears falling off my face again. "I found him and beat his fucking ass to a pulp." I hear him sigh. Almost of relief.

I sigh and I can't help but chuckle. It's a mad chuckle. I'm so furious at my father. How he could just put everyone in such a terrible situation like this? Anger, sadness, guilt. Why, Dad?

"I'm sorry-"

"No," I say, mad that he is apologizing. "Don't be sorry. He deserved it. Did he run off again?"

"I don't know. I left him on the ground. He tried to take my truck. That's when it all started. Even though I was the one looking for him." He says. 

I notice the sadness and guilt in his voice and without thinking I say, "It's okay."

"Huh?" His deep voice soothes me.

"I said it's okay, Dan." 

He sighs and I can almost see him smiling. "Thanks, Mick." 

"Of course. Also, I don't get out until..." I count on my fingers childishly, "Wednesday." 

"Tuesday." My brother corrects me. 

I roll my eyes when I hear Daniel laugh over the phone. I can't laugh too hard, my stomach would fucking hurt. 

"Tuesday," I say.

"Okay," he lowers his voice, "so you want to meet up and talk Tuesday when you get out, or Wednesday?" 

I cleared my throat and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Tuesday."

"Okay. I'll see you at... whatever time on Tuesday at the coffee shop?" He asks.

"Yep," I say.

"Bye, Mick."

"Bye, Dan." I chuckle and he does too and we hang up awkwardly. 

"Now what the hell was that?" Joey asks, hovering above me. 

I cough and cup my wound gently. "Nothing," I say, catching my breath from the pain.

He winces. "You two were flirting. You were blushing."

"Um. No." I smile sarcastically. 

"Like I said with Chase, I don't give a shit who you date, but watch out with Daniel. He's no Chase." He says, sitting down gently on the edge of my bed.

No shit. 

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