Chapter 20

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I wait downstairs for Joey. Last day of school until Thanksgiving break. I don't even know if I'll get through it. 

I get a text as I am waiting. I'm wearing a softball hoodie that says my number (seven) and our team name Warriors with black leggings and my white Crocs. 

The text was from... Lia?

I freak out. Why was my catcher texting me? We never text unless it's something important about practice or a game.

The text read, Hey, Kay. Are you ready for the game today? I almost forgot to tell you it was moved to today but I'm pretty sure the coach has already told you.

My heart drops. 

I forgot. 

I run upstairs and throw my actual game uniform in my softball bag with all my other softball crap.

I text her back, Yeah! I got it! I'm ready!

The truth is, is that I wasn't ready. I haven't even pitched in two days.

"Hey, Mick." Joey greets me as he walks downstairs. 

"Hey, Joe. Ready?" I ask, all my bags in my hand, my hair curled perfectly, I smelt of perfume and deodorant, and I fluttered my mascara-covered eyelashes.

"Yeah. Go ahead and get in the truck. I'll be right out." He says, giving me his sweet, brotherly smile.

I nod and he throws me his keys. I walk out and start up his truck for him after throwing my bags in the back seat. 

I sigh as I climb over to the passenger seat and turn on the seat heaters. I get on my phone and scroll through TikTok. 

After a few minutes, Joey comes out and hops in the truck with a coffee. He sips it slowly, puts it in the cup holder, and starts to reverse out of the driveway. 

"So, Mick," Joey starts. I look up from my phone, my now shoeless, Nike sock-covered feet up on his dashboard.

I don't respond. I stare at him.

"Dad said he won't be back for Thanksgiving. He said he was leaving for good. Mom is heartbroken and she's... back on anti-depressants. However, it's taking some toll on her..." Joey clears his throat and continues, "I think she's never going to heal from her past, Mikayla. She's drowning and she won't reach her hand out of the water for me and you to pull her out. It's like she's too far gone." He stops talking and looks at me once we are at a red light, his right elbow resting on the center console and his left resting on the wheel.

"I know Joey. She won't come out of her room or even talk to me. I think I am going to apologize to Dad later today. You know... try to warm him up and force him to come back home." I say, looking back down at my phone. I still feel his eyes on me. 

I see him turn his focus back on the road once the light turns green out of the corner of my eye and he nods slowly. 

"Okay, Mick. He might not budge, though." He says, looking uncomfortable. He cracks his neck with his free hand and fidgets a lot.  

"Chill, Joe. I'll try as hard as I can," I say, putting my hand on his non-driving arm. 

He nods again. The rest of the car ride is silent except for the buzz of my phone when I get another text. 

It's from Daniel. 

What does he does he want now?

His text read, Hey Mikayla. I just wanted to check-in. Make sure you're okay.

I'm still confused. Why is he acting like my friend all of a sudden? I mean, after that trauma dump he did to me last night when he was dropping me off at home... I felt so horrible. Although, it is still so hard to believe him.

I text back, I am fine. Thanks. Oh, and, Daniel. I saw that video.

He texts back almost immediately, saying, Uh of what?

I stare at the text for a moment, pissed. Why is he stalling? just admit you knocked the life out of the guy who was going to be my soon-to-be boyfriend.

I text back, You know exactly what I am talking about, Daniel. Don't lie to me, please.

He texts back, No, I don't. Just tell me.

I type angrily on my screen, Of you beating up Chase!

His typing bubbles appear on the screen but then disappear. 

They appear and disappear twice after that before he actually texts back.

He texted, Yeah, sorry. Someone needed to knock some sense into him, though. So, sorry to you, not him. ;)

I blush a little but I can't tell if it's from anger or happiness. 

I text back, Don't put yourself in danger for me, Daniel. We are rivals, remember?

I'm serious, too. We hate each other. There is no way that hatred just dissolved after last night.

My mind tells me to hate him.

My heart doesn't know what to think.

He texts back, Put my own self in danger? Hilarious. Also, you think we're rivals. I don't. Not anymore. But believe what you wanna believe, Mikayla.

I text back, I will. And in my mind, we are still rivals until you prove that we aren't.

God I hate him. I think to myself, as we pull into the school parking lot. Although, do I? He acted like he actually cared last night. Why won't my own heart just admit to that?

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