Chapter 11: Abduction

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Garou's POV:

Garou groggily opened his eyes, awakening. Where am I...

     It felt as if his eyeballs were full of sand, heavy sand. He tried to sit up from the unfamiliar bed he was laying on, but fell back, groaning. His entire body ached with excruciating pain in every area. Garou dragged out a few deep breaths, trying to focus his blurry vision. Anytime he tried to move, his sight turned red from agony. I need to move, he thought angrily. As if the pain wasn't bad enough, his fever had not yet gone away.

     Eventually, Garou gathered the strength to sit up. Beside the bed, there was a small table with a note on it. It mentioned a clean change of clothes, which Garou quickly located and took advantage of. As he pulled the shirt over his head, he held in the urge to scream. His arms were on fire, worse than the rest of his body.

I would do just about anything for some food and water right now.

     Garou sat back down on the bed for a moment, taking in everything that had occurred during the past few days. The memories of it all were hazy. Suddenly, a pang of longing shot through him as he thought of a certain woman whom he hadn't seen in awhile. Longer than he liked.


     He put his face in his hands, thinking of the things he had done and said the last time he had seen her. I'm so stupid. What was I thinking?! He angrily thought. I just wish I could see her again...her e/c eyes flashed through Garou's mind. He sighed. He doubted she would ever want to see him, much less speak to him, ever again. But he was willing to risk it. He stood back up and began walking out of the room.

Guess I should find my way out of here so I can see her again.

Y/N's POV:

     You sat at the table, eating breakfast and listening to your brother explain where he had been.

     "Ok, so basically," he began, "a bunch of the higher class heroes decided to go out and search for the Hero Hunter, you know, to try and defeat him." At this, your stomach churned. Garou...

"But right now, we're still in the middle of trying to clean up the city from the Monster Association's attack awhile ago. The heroes who went out, did so without permission from the head of the Hero Association, so we didn't have as many heroes helping out as we had expected. So, the rest of us ended up having to work harder, and much longer than originally planned. I'm really sorry if I worried you," he finished.

You blinked, taking in all that information. "Wow, sounds like a pain," you responded drily. "I was a little worried, but don't worry about it. I understand," you reassured your brother. Internally, you were relieved. At least he wasn't on any dangerous missions.

     After breakfast, your brother announced that he had to go back to work.

     "Are you kidding me?" you whined. "It's Saturday!" Your brother laughed and patted your head roughly with his hand, which you swatted away.

     "Don't worry, it's just to make sure everything is taken care of. There's a very low chance of me actually doing any sort of work," he told you. You sighed, disappointed. But you understood.

"Alright, fine. But be back before dinner, you hear me?" Your big brother smiled at you, his eyes twinkling. It was hard to believe that this was the man you had grown up with, and although his eyes had long ago lost the childish light in them, they were still as bright as ever. You had some flashbacks of memories made long ago with him, both the good and the not so good.

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