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I took a deep breath before I turned to face Rave and her preloved pick up truck one last time. "Good luck!" she whispered with a smile on her face. She knew I wasn't gutsy enough to tell Cali the truth today but she was giving me enough luck to actually face her. I opened the door and stepped inside. There wasn't any any sign of anyone inside so I went to my room and threw my overnight bag down.

My phone rang interrupting me from my inner monologue. I fished it out of the back pocket of my jean shorts and slid the bar,answering the call.

"Rachel." I welcomed laughing.

"Hey fave pupil. How's life going?" I heard the soft music in the background and the clanking of the cheap clothes hangers. She was shopping. Typical.

"Life is...not like the academy." I admitted.

"You've graduated." she deadpanned. "Life is only going to get harder."

"No its not that!" I rushed with an awkward laugh. "It's just. This used to be my home. Now it doesnt feel like it at all. Everything is so...hard here."

"They expect you to fill the shoes you wore before you left?"

I nodded but didn't speak.


"She's a kid. You know? She expects so much from me. I hide myself from her a lot."

"You sound different than when you're here. You're worry free and happy. You sound stressed."

"I am stressed." I admitted.

"You've been gone a day!" she shrieked loudly. I heard her mumble a swear at some other shoppers and laughed.

"Well dig this. My mom, who you know lives in that dusty little town of yours with her new fling Roy, invited me to a little brunch. "Little brunch" is code for they're gonna announce their engagement."

"That's great! I'm happy for her!" I said honestly.

"Awe poor Kara thinks it's sweet." I could practically hear her scowl. "It's the seventh "little brunch" I've been invited to in the last year." My excitement dimmed.

"Maybe this time its different." I tried.

"Doubt it. Anyway the point was, We can catch up. Have a meeting. Discuss how to get this monkey of a sister off your back and off my nerves. Kay?"

"Okay." I said rolling my eyes.

"Love ya!" she called not waiting until I said it back before she hung up.

Shortly after my phone call I decided to go running. My wolf was anxious to see Roman again and I was obviously pissing her off by keeping my distance. And I definitely couldn't have her pissed off at Cali when she came home. I stripped in the woods behind a tree before quickly shifting into my little grey wolf. I was slender but tall. It was the opposite of my human form. I was heather grey and I could fit in just about any space that restricted any one else. I was also quick. I was fast. I pushed myself further and further into the depth of the woods until the lamd around me was and mixed as a smoothie. Until I was knocked onto my back roughly.

I hit my back on a tree and yelped loudly trying to blink away the blaze haze that was trying to swallow me. I swayed and fell but not after seeing three wolves circle in on me...and then it all went black.



Kara. I felt my wolf jump in delight at the thought of her. She was fiery and delectable. The reminder of her was still fresh on my lips making it almost impossible for me to listen to my father's story. I was counting the second until I could get to see her. Any excuse to be alone with her was worth it. She was mine. And being with her made me feel complete. A way I haven't been since Rebecca.

Alpha! Rogue in the north forest.

On my way. Keep it alive for questioning.

I stood instantly my father snapped his eyes to mine as he mirrored my movement.

"There is a situation. I must be excuses father."

"Any thing you need help with?" he asked seriously snapping into alpha node. I shook my head.

"Thank you." I said with sincerity as I turned on my heel and shuffled out the house shifting into my strong, black wolf.

It's pretty beat up.

I pushed myself harder and faster but stopped when I smelled her scent.

I growled. No!

Is it a girl? I asked feeling my wolf going bizzurk with rage. She was hurt. I just knew it.

Yes. A small grey shewolf.

I growled loudly and relentlessly as I ran to the north forest. Her beautiful scent growing more profound with each step, but worse of all so was my anger. I saw her lying on the ground nose tucked, jaw locked in anger as she growled at the three wolves surrounding her.

I growled a warning to my pack member who looked ready to attack.


He whimpered and retreated as well the other two.

Go to the pack house and await my ruling. You three injured your future luna.

I saw the sorrow in their eyes but it meant nothing to me. I turned to my beautiful mate who still had her tough exterior showing but when I stepped toward her and offered her my snout she lowered her guard and collapsed, showing me her pain, her anger, and her fear.

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