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"She said that to you?" I looked at his murderous expression. I reluctantly nodded.

"I just instantly wanted to hurt her. Not physically, she can handle that. I wanted to tell her everything that I hated about her since there was so much she hated about me." I looked to Blake and wiped my nose. "She said I wasn't her sister." I said feeling the tears come back. He wrapped his arms around me in a protective embrace.

"It's okay Kare. I know it hurts. It was your worst fear. You love her and her words cut you deep." he spoke to me like I was a child and usually it would make me feel angry or offended but it nice knowing he knew how bad I felt.

"I tried everything to make sure she never thought of me as some adopted kid. I failed."

"She said that to hurt you. It was evil and cruel and unforgivable but you can't blame yourself." I nodded as he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"You're right." I said letting him wipe my tears.

"What do you say we order take out and watch a Teen Wolf marathon until we fall asleep?"

"I knew it was a reason we were best friends." He laughed.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and hugged me tightly. "I'll see you in two weeks." I nodded knowing I would be back to see him graduate.

"I love you Kara. Be happy."

"I love you too Blake." I said hugging him tighter.

"Okay enough. Jesus you have a mate now." He said dramatically looking around the perimeter. I laughed as he opened my door and helped me in.

"He'll be pissed. I left my phone at his place and I've been gone a week." I said honestly feeling nervous about seeing him.

"Ouch. He's gonna chew you out." He smirked "maybe even literally."

"Blake Anderson, you dirty dog." I chastised starting my car.

"Bye Luna." He said waving proudly as I backed out the parking lot. I waved back and smiled as I drove to see my mate.

Sooner than I expected, I was pulling up to the pack house. I instantly saw the high security and instantly felt bad. I walked up to the porch and took a deep breath before walking in the house.

It was empty. Aside from Roman. He stared at me like he had seen a ghost.

"Kara." He growled lowly before snatching me into a hug like embrace. He nuzzled his nose into my neck and took deep breaths as if he was memorizing my scent.

"I'm sorry. Roman. I shouldn't have just disappeared like that." I started apologizing immediately. I hadn't thought about how he would feel about me disappearing like that. I hadn't been very understanding of him at all.

He pulled back with a glare. "You're damn right! I almost lost you and then you ran away with no such thing as a goodbye! What was I to think? The worst that's what! I focused all my time to finding you."

"I was at school." I explained.

He shut up. "What is that smell?" He thundered over me.

"What?" I asked sniffing myself.

"Who is he?" He demanded.

"Oh Blake!" I answered. "He's my best friend."

"So you left to be with a guy?" I frowned at his accusation.

"He's like my brother!" I defended.

"So nothing ever happened between you two?" He raised an eyebrow and if I wasn't so annoyed, I might've been aroused.

"Like cuddling, maybe. He's family."

"Wow." He said sneering down at me. Everyone's here worried about you and you're away cuddling with someone who's not me!"

"He was there for me after what happened with Cali. I don't deserve to be accused of anything especially when you showed your affection for your girlfriend, my sister, right in front of my face. Then you sent Jesse to retrieve me instead of doing it yourself. So don't question my character"-

"I'm sorry, Cara mia. Please stop crying. I can't win against tears." I shut up and felt my face embarrassed to find it soaked with tears.

"I need to leave. I just came to see you." I explained.

"Leave?" He asked confused. "Why would you leave, beautiful? You can stay here."

"Here?" He nodded. "Can I have my own room?" I asked.

I could tell he was against it but he faked a smile. "Yes. Whatever you want." He grabbed me by my waist and hugged me intimately.

"I missed you." He spoke hoarsely.

"I missed you too Roman." I pulled away from the hug and pressed my lips to his in a simple peck which made my abdomen tug. He smiled at me once again before tugging my arm to lead me to his room. I sat on the bed at the same time as him. He turned to look at me with an expectant expression on his beautiful face.

"So how'd she take it?" he asked looking curious.

"It doesn't matter." I said shaking my head. "We got in a fight and she said some very hurtful things. I'm done pleasing her. I can't keep feeling horrible because I was adopted. I also can't keep allowing myself to dull so she can shine."

I looked at Roman to see him smiling at me with a funny look. "What's that look?" I asked smiling at him.

"Adoration. I adore you." he said bluntly. I felt myself go red in flames. He made me feel all girly and tingly. I wasn't use to this much attention. "Well, on a serious note...does that mean we can finally accept each other?"

I leaned forward and brushed my lips across his and he eagerly responded moving his hand to thread in my hair and his other to caress the small of my back. I was in a losing fight as I tried to win control of the kiss but he kicked my ass in the war when he laid me down and hovered over me. I gasped when I felt his growing erection on my thigh and groaned when he pressed it into my core.

"Roman." I whispered feelings the inferno from his every touch growing like a rapid fire.

"Cara Mia, you drive me crazy." he mumbled against my lips. His hands were soft yet demanding as he touched and gripped me in all the right places and his lips bounced from my lips to the soft and sensitive crevices of my neck. He sucked and licked all on my neck making me groan in ecstasy as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

"We have to stop Roman." I whispered actually thinking with my head. As much as I wanted to let thing escalate...I was scared. And I wanted to at least know the last name of my mate before I let him take the gift that I kept wrapped just for him.

He pulled back a little and kissed me once more before pulling his weight off of me and sitting me back up.

"What's your full name?" I asked immediately.

"Roman Ashton Grey." he answered gruffly. "Why?" he added smirking at me. "Wanna steal my identity?" he teased.

"I just wanted to know..." I trailed off biting my lip. "Because I, Kara Lucille Madison, accept you, Roman Ashton Grey as my mate." I said smiling like I had won the lottery, because honestly, in that moment, that's what if felt like.

"I accept you." he spoke wildly before taking my lips in his own.

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