Blood of my Blood

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"These are not at all what I described! These invitations are to be different from those of the Alphas and the Lunas; The Betas and Omegas also have different invitations- invitations vary on status- Say it with me!" I repeated.

"Invitations vary on status," the crew in the room repeated in a monotone. I was in full blown, bitch mode! I needed results and unfortunately no one could deliver. I looked around the half baby blue, half hard wood walls that reappeared in every room in this estate and mentally screamed. I needed new paint before this ceremony.  I was planning an entire wedding ceremony- BY MYSELF! To say I was freaking out, was an understatement.

"Crew dismissed on the basis that everyone now knows what invitations are to be addressed to which houses, and packs and in which manner they are to be addressed to them in- nothing is to be sent without my final approval. Good day, and Love to you all." The room cleared immediately and I knew they were happy to be rid of me just as I, them. I heard two knocks at the door and I knew who it was instantly.

"Blake!" I called," he came in with a clipboard and a notebook.

"Okay so I am your official wedding planner. You are doing the absolute most and it is not becoming, best friend. I am here to make sure you...chill the fuck out." he said bluntly. I laughed finally feeling some kind of weigh lift off my shoulders.

"Thank god, because you are in the wedding party and it'll be great to know you'll actually make sure this whole thing is not a shit show."

"My mate is going to be there." he announced. "I need it to be just as perfect as you do." I smiled tightly hoping he was right; I didn't want him to be disappointed if he was wrong.

"You're right!"

"Who is in your bridal party?" he asked sitting down as he started taking notes.

"Rave, Rachel, Gabrielle, and Cali..."

He looked up and made an "O" was his mouth. I slapped his arm. "Of course she's going to be in my wedding."

"On Roman's side?"

"His Beta Jesse, Regan, his Dad, Deon and Clayton."

"Oh and you're my Maid of Honor."


I nodded, "We have to get you a kick ass tux that's one of my colors, but you're definitely going to be there."

He smiled. "I'm honored, but I am you Best Man of Honor." I laughed but agreed to the name no less.

"Rose is my flower girl." I added. "I want Raven to be my ring bearer." I decided.

I sighed thinking of my mom. "I wish my mom was awake to see this." She had been moved on to the compound. I can admit, I felt safer with her closer to me. She was under direct care of our surgeons and nurses, all employed by the Greys. I was forever grateful for the resources they used to help keep my mother alive. I was determined to see a day where she knew her grandchild and knew Roman, her future son in law.

"We still have time." He paused. "I read this book about Wycans using magic to bring back life...they also have theories of using thunder and lightning to bring back the life in people."

"What are you getting at?"

"I think you are a Hyro." he said standing. "I saw how you possessed that water, and Roman told me about the fire- he asked if you ever showed signs of powers before and"-

"A Hyro?"

"You have!" he said. "At school, you would know things before they happened. Remember that test in calculus that you were too drunk to study for? But the night before you had a dream of the answers, you kept seeing the answers all day- then boom you ace the test. You knew that Mr.Colons was going to die in his sleep the day he died in his sleep. Remember that tornado sophomore year?"

I watched him silently. I had predicted all the things he's saying. Every occasion, I felt the same energy that I felt when I started the fire and the water from my hands. I first thought water was just me expressing my element I got from me and Roman mating but what if I was I practicing?

"I think you're the key to this all, if you work with the Hiros and Wycans. You are a powerful Alpha and after mixing blood with Roman; you have two magical bloodlines in your veins; his mom possessed powers too.

He was right.

"But she wasn't a Hyro," I explained. He nodded.

"The magic is a genetic gift from the males of his family to their mates to protect them, it makes them more powerful. So by blood, he is magical- he just cannot practice magic since his magic is displayed in his strength and resilience to harm."

I was quiet for hours that day. If what he was saying was true, it made my baby was more special than I thought. It would be a hybrid.


"We need to invite witches." I said walking into the planning room. Jesse looked up to me.

"What? Are you serious? Luna they are not to be trusted." I looked to Roman thinking of the Witch who spied on me, I slightly agreed but I truly believe this was the way. The only way, to be strong enough to defeat them. We needed our own spy.

"I am more than serious." I said bluntly. His lips closed. It was amazing, even in this year how women have to defend their ideas twice as much as men. "If they have an up on us, we need an up on them." I said simply.

"I just don't like them, Luna. They're tricky and they lie."

"And so do wolves," I added. "Rogue ones, but we've worked with them as allies in the past." It was true. I had been spending a lot of time in the Reading Room of the training camp, learning and relearning the art of war. I felt I had this ancient edge on everyone else in the room because I know for a fact none of them read the books; silly boys have no time. They just listen to whatever their told by their fathers. Speaking of fathers, I had also been talking to both of mines. My Dad had served in the US Military for 11 years, and of course Regan was a very powerful Alpha who had won many of his own wars. Even the one he set in order to avenge Gabrielle's womb.

      I wasn't looking forward to the fighting and the deaths that may come with war from either side. Any drop of blood wasted is a sadness, which is why we always grieve the dead from both sides post war to ensure we are in good standing with the Moon Goddess. I shuddered, looking around the draft table. I looked at the patterns of how they attacked different tribes and packs, they always entered through the front; unlike many other who try to sneak in, or come through the back entrances through the woods. "We need witches on our front line to combat their enchantments."

"Front line?" Jesse shrieked in desperation. "Luna, are you trying to kill us?" I took a hand and struck him in the back of the neck.

"Enough! Do not ever interrupt me again." He nodded and turned his head downward in a bow. "As I was saying, there is a lot we don't know about witches and the only way to learn the truth about them, is from them."

"How will they trust us?" Roman asked. "Why do you think they will value us higher than their own?"

I smiled, "I am their own."

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