♥We are♥

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Jungkook still sitting on Taehyung's  lap just by he was pulled. The skin connection between them is so gentle. Taehyung's hands softly place on Jungkook's waist. Jungkook even didn’t feel the touch. As his hands is made by feather. So gentle in front of him.

"Yes. I will." He replied while his eyes are sinking in Taehyung's soft gaze.

Taehyung suddenly sobbed and teared up. And Jungkook was dumbfounded. He did not answered wrong. Then why he get emotional.

"Don't cry Taehyung." He wipe away the drop of tears from his cheek.

"How dumb i was." He whisper. Totally ran out of breath in his weak condition.

"No you were not."

"Don't stop me today. There is so much i want to tell you."

"I'm here. Tell me everything."

Jungkook cupped his cheek as he is comforting a child.

"I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me."

"It's not your fault. I was the one who cause this. I was so dumb back then. If i didn’t walk away writing a fucking letter than our friendship will stay same."

"Friendship?" Taehyung asked. Raising his weak eyebrows as he feel the word stab in his heart with a poisonous thud.

"Do you still think us as friend? Jungkook. Do you think only you were in love? I don’t had any feelings for you?"

"What? What are you saying?"

Jungkook found himself shocked and surprised. This word was unexpected and it's almost felt like slipped out from his tongue.

"Maybe i realized it later that i have feelings for you. But as i found it, i fallen in despair. I've always thought you don’t think me more than friend. I was fighting with myself. Because if you knew that, you'll distance yourself from me. I never want that. And that's why i start to hang out with girls and make a girlfriend. I was trying to distract myself from my feelings for you. Who knows that's the biggest mistake?"

"You loved me?"

"More than love if possible. The day you were dressed up so beautifully. Trust me i was at the edge of losing myself. I really want to tell you that how much i loved you but..."

Taehyung's breath hitched and he start coughing. Jungkook panicked and about to stand up but Taehyung tighten the grip on his waist.

"Don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere. Let me grab the water for you." He wipe away his tears which he didn’t know when left his eyes.

"I don't need water. Stay please."

Jungkook sighed and again wrap his on Taehyung's head.

"I have to stay under psychiatrist control just because i was gon mad. Even i thought you left this earth bec---"

He can't talk anymore and grab his own chest because the cough getting uncontrollable. Jungkook somehow grab a bottle from his lap and give it to him.

"I missed you lot. And the pain i gave you was more than so much. Will you give me a chance to remove the pain i create? I promise i won't let you down. Will you Jungkook?"

His hopeful eyes was craving for a response from Jungkook. But negativity thought keep buzzing inside his head. Saying Jungkook will not give him any chance. What if it's a mistake to confess. Will Jungkook make the distance again?

"Yes. I will. I love you so much Taehyung. Don't blame yourself please. I did mistake too. You were just afraid but i eventually gave up. We both are blame for this. And we can make our life beautiful again. We have this chance. I don’t want to lose you."

Taehyung laugh loudly and bite his lips. He can't believe what Jungkook said. He really was prepared to get scold. And afraid of the rejection. He hug him and almost squished him between his strong arms.

"I finally found you. Never let you ran away again. My love."

They pulled away and slowly interlocks their lips together. The kiss they had yesterday was driven by anger but today's kiss is different. It's full of love, emotion, fear and passionate.

Taehyung stomach growl between their kiss and Jungkook smile. He pulled away the kiss and wipe his lips.

"You are hungry."

"No. Kiss please."

Taehyung whine and about pull him again but Jungkook hold his wrist.

"Enough for now. If you don’t listen then i wont make you any food and leave your house."

"Sorry. You are meany." Taehyung pout and let him go from his lap.

"What do you want to cook?"

"Sandwich for now. You are hungry. Just fill yourself with this and i'll cook something else."

"Please teach me how to cook."

"Why so sudden? I'm here for you now."

"Than it's a relief." Taehyung smile softly. His gaze didn’t left Jungkook's sight who was mashing the egg innocently not knowing the eyes on him.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn’t  act like this in front of your friend."

"Leave it. He's not my friend."

"He's not? Then why did you let him hug you?"

"Why? Are you perhaps jealous?"

"Of course i am. No one can touch you except me. I'll break their evey bones."

"Calm down. You even can't talk properly and here threatening unpresent people from your imagination?"

Taehyung nod and sighed before gulping down another bottle of water.

"I can feel the pain you felt when see me with my girlfriend at my birthday. I feel same too yesterday when you hug him back."

Jungkook stop what he was doing and look up. Meet his sad eyes.

"How do you know?"

"Jimin told me."

"Aish i can't with him."

"He told me everything about you."

Jungkook serve the plate and took out the veggies from the bag.

"Wanna do something else after regain our energy?"

He smirk and Jungkook is so done with his naughtiness. But he love to play. Didn’t he?

"Sure. Why not? DADDY!"

This is the shortest chapter i've ever wrote. I myself is so desperate to make them together haha.

I'll try to make the next chapter long. Let it end here. My hands are tired and i'm going to sleep. Love you all. 🖤🤍

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