aspire; 5

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V. leehaechan┊𝙽𝙲𝚃 .                                       
────❝[  Hi.   ] ⋮  ꒱

Donghyuck took Jia's advice into consideration, even though it was his day off, sitting at home all day didn't sound like something he wanted to do. Donghyuck loved outside, he loved the natural breeze on his skin.

Since it was cold outside, he put on a hoodie on top of the t-shirt and sweats he was wearing, a then put on his jacket, grabbing his keys, wallet and phone for his walk.

He wasn't planning on going anywhere crazy. Maybe to a local cafe to buy some coffee and back home.

The breeze felt awesome on his skin, his hair occasionally moving through the wind even though he was wearing a hat, and his nose turning slightly red due to the cold weather, even with his mask.

His hands were stuffed in his pocket, with heat packs inside of them, so if you asked Donghyuck if he was cold, he'd probably say no.

He walked past people since it wasn't weird to be out at this time, even though the sun fully set already. Nobody really noticed him, or looked twice at him. He was thankful he didn't get bothered.

He loved nctzens, he loved them so much, seeing them at concerts or during work. All the gifts he received, it never failed to make his day. But on his days off when he's tired and he's trying to live his life as a normal citizen, not a celebrity he prefers when he isn't bothered.

Although he always welcomes them with open arms, it gets tiring.

Donghyuck made it to the cafe, the closest one to him since he didn't feel like walking for a long time, he walked inside, it wasn't busy but it wasn't empty, there was like 2 people infront of him.

Although donghyuck didn't notice anything different, the girl at the counter's eyes widened at donghyuck's presence, not expecting to see him here while she worked.

She tried not to let a reaction out, causing attention to him, as nobody batted an eye towards him, but inside she was panicking, this was like the 3rd time they met even though most meetings with them turned into her leaving as soon as possible.

Once he got to the counter he ordered normally, just the iced americano he wanted, until he looked up making eye contact with the girl at the counter, as she asked him how he wanted to pay, his eyes widened, immediately smiling that she could see through his mask, "Jia?" He read her name tag, even though he already knew her name.

She looked like she was tired, she'd been working since 1:30, she was wearing a hoodie, cream coloured and pants that where dark grey, her name tag on and her hair let out, her curtain bangs styled, "Hi."

He handed her the 5000₩ bill, she took it and gave him the change back, he waited over at the pick up section, as the people in charge of making drinks, quickly made his.

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