Chapter 4 - A Spinning World

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"I am updating the designation of Special Secret to Comprehensive Secret."

In front of the high-ranking officers of Escort Flotilla 0, Samejima first conveyed the conclusion.

"Just now, there was a communication from the diplomatic aide, Inoue. The official announcement was made by the Mirishial government at G11 this morning."

G11 is an abbreviation not commonly known in this world, but the Japanese, out of habit from the old world, referred to the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference as G11.

"Early this morning, Mirishial's regional fleet in the Magdola Archipelago was completely annihilated in a surprise attack by the fleet belonging to the Gra Valkas Empire."

"That's a big announcement."

When someone said that, everyone present forced a laugh. Samejima also feigned a casual expression, but inside, he wasn't laughing.

. . .

If one were to calmly consider, there is no way that such a lie could go on forever. He doesn't know the exact numbers, but there were officers and men assigned to the 0th Magic Fleet. The number of casualties must be significant. The families of the crew members would undoubtedly question why they haven't returned for so long. The citizens of Cartalpas surely wouldn't overlook the fact that the 0th Magic Fleet hasn't returned to the home port for an extended period. When will the Mirishial government realize the severe repercussions they'll face when the lies are exposed?

'They probably haven't realized yet.'

Samejima predicted as much.

If the government is enforcing thorough control to prevent citizens from questioning, they might be able to uphold the lie, at least domestically. However, that is the worst-case scenario. Neither Mirishial nor Gra Valkas can be allowed to gain supremacy.

Having contemplated this far, Samejima halted his thoughts. Beyond this point lay the taboo that the SDF should not breach.

. . .

"The Mirishial government recommended the representatives of participating countries evacuate from Cartalpas... sorry, I misspoke. They proposed a change of venue."

Laughter erupted again.

Due to the principle of civilian control, SDF personnel couldn't make political statements, and criticizing the government was, of course, out of the question. However, mocking the failures of other countries' governments fell within the realm of freedom of expression.

Samejima decided to use this unfortunate situation as a way to release tension. It was necessary; otherwise, it would be unbearable. The stress on the ground was only building up.

. . .

There is a reason why Samejima displayed a seemingly cold attitude towards Mirishial. In fact, Japan had a chance to avoid war only once. That opportunity would have arisen if the Holy Mirishial Empire had won in the Magdola Archipelago. It was a reliance on external forces, but in that case, Gra Valkas would have likely given up the assault on Cartalpas. Of course, blaming Mirishial wouldn't be fair. The officers and soldiers of the 0th Magic Fleet paid the price for the defeat with their lives.

Still, it's not unreasonable to think, "Why couldn't they win? Is 'the world's strongest' just a self-proclaimed title?" Mirishial had no obligation to pay the debt they couldn't settle with their lives.

. . .

"This is a proposal from the host country, the strongest in the world. It will undoubtedly be approved first. Once the specific schedule is determined, we will depart from Cartalpas. All ships, please be prepared."

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