Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait

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The bureaucrats of the Holy Mirishial Empire are competent. The Ministry of Defense is no exception.

Competent bureaucrats, when given tasks from the top down, are valuable tools. However, competence as a tool and competence as a leader are different. Competent individuals may rise through the ranks, but as soon as they reach a position beyond their capabilities, they become incompetent. As a result, every level is occupied by incompetence. The so-called Peter Principle was undermining the bureaucratic organization of the Holy Mirishial Empire, and the Ministry of Defense was no exception.

Following the Emperor's instruction to "anticipate the worst-case scenario," the Ministry of Defense devised an unprecedented large-scale operation based on Agra's plan, mobilizing four fleets. The scale involved 144 combat ships and over 300 ships, including auxiliary vessels. However, the Emperor had only articulated the principles of crisis management and did not necessarily order the formation of a large fleet.

Unfortunately, the bureaucrats made another mistake. In war, there is an adversary, and they do not always act according to one's expectations, especially if they are more capable than they are.

. . .

Zed was in the Cartalpas. Due to the collapse of the organization of Mu, he had been transferred to the Central World where his identity remained undiscovered. As he sipped cheap alcohol in a tavern, various rumors reached his ears.

"Hey, brother. You're drinking like a sinner," a red-faced dwarf approached him.

"If you lose your homeland, you lose your spirits too."

The dwarf suddenly became serious and initiated the conversation.

"What happened?"

"...I'm from Irnetia. While I was away from the country on business..."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Not only the dwarf but also the people and other races around sympathized.

"Cheer up. They say even bastards like the Gra Valkans will be expelled from the Second Civilization Area."

"...Is that true?"

The dwarf pounded his thick chest with his fist.

"Yeah. The Emperor has mobilized five fleets to kick Gra Valkas out of the Second Civilization Area."

An elf drinking next to Zed joined the conversation.

"From what I heard it was supposed to be four fleets."

After that, chaos ensued. Various rumors emerged from different mouths. Some even mentioned unbelievable stories, like eight fleets. Putting an end to the chaos was a magical broadcast. The weekly color broadcast started thrice a week.

"Here is the report of today's news. According to the announcement from the Ministry of Defense, in response to His Majesty's command, the entire force of the Western Fleet has set out to expel the fleets of the Gra Valkas Empire from the Second Civilization Area..."

'Does this country not have the concept of counterintelligence?'

As everyone watched the news with bated breath, Zed was pondering alone.

Of course, the concept of counterintelligence does exist in the Holy Mirishial Empire. However, Mirishial had become too immersed in the logic of the strong. Until now, no matter how complicated a diplomatic issue became, if Mirishial said they would deploy a fleet, that alone resolved the matter. Bureaucrats who had become accustomed to such methods couldn't easily change that habit. The supposedly top-secret operation had been laid bare by incompetence that couldn't comprehend the intent of the operation.

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