Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut

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Naguano was lecturing the army pilots.

"The Blue Impulse is a unit of the air force... which they call the Air Self-Defense Force. Its mission is aerobatic flight."

Laughter erupted among the pilots.

"Does the Japanese air force make a living from aerobatic flying?"

"I think you mean they are a circus troupe, not an air force."

Sighing, Naguano continued. "We have a military band in our forces. Necessary for various ceremonies, right?"

"So the Japanese play music with engine sounds?"

More laughter. Naguano was getting fed up.

"QUIET!" Their superior officer commanded, and finally, the laughter subsided.

Naguano decided to hasten the discussion.

"The Blue Impulse will perform a flight show at the Muish King's Birthday Festival in the next month. In other words, Japanese military planes will be coming to the neighboring region."

This time, the pilots didn't laugh.

"Our mission is to capture the Blue Impulse aircraft."

When the superior officer announced this, murmurs replaced the laughter.

One of the pilots raised his hand. The superior officer nodded silently, allowing him to speak.

"Does capture mean stealing parked aircraft on the ground?"

"No. Attack during the flight show and force it to make a forced landing at our base."

A commotion ensued.

"Mr. Naguano, continue your explanation."

"Yes. The Blue Impulse uses the T-4 trainer aircraft."

The commotion abruptly ceased.

"The T-4 trainer has a top speed of 1.000 kilometers per hour..."


A sudden uproar erupted.


The superior officer called out three times before it finally quieted down.

Another pilot immediately raised his hand. "This is impossible. How do we force a target flying at nearly twice the speed of the Antares to make a forced landing?"

"We don't need to engage one-on-one. Surround them in numbers and force their path. Mr. Naguano, continue."

"Yes. The T-4 trainer has no weapons."

For a moment, silence fell over the room. But without a pause, a third person raised their hand.

"But Mu's escort planes will likely go on numerous patrol flights. And they have anti-aircraft positions..."

"So what!?" The superior officer interrupted loudly. "We'll prepare our own numbers. All available Antares, excluding those on combat air patrols, will be deployed. Are you telling me that your Antares will lose to biplanes!?"

"NO, SIR!!"

The pilots replied in unison. Naguano was surprised by the sight.

"The first attack group of the Navy's Eastern Fleet was devastated in Case White, and intact battleships and aircraft carriers were captured by Japan. So, do we have a reason not to retaliate!?"

"NO, SIR!!"

With their eyes wide open, responding in unison, Naguano was urged by the superior officer to continue.

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