Chapter 17 - 1:48

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In the midst of Operation Super Hammer's progress, the 52nd Regional Fleet (Ishtam) was heading towards the waters off Otaheit. The news about the fall of Valkyries reached their ears.

"It seems the Army has made a blunder," Fleet Commander Maynard snickered on the bridge of the flagship Scheat.

"Commander, you seem pleased," air unit commander Neit commented.

"Mu had diverted almost all of its air power towards the Leifor region. With that, our job should become easier. Send out reconnaissance planes. Even if they are savages, they should have fortified the defense of the capital's airspace. But if we can crush even that, reinforcements shouldn't come any time soon."

The command was promptly executed, and reconnaissance planes took off from the aircraft carrier Scheat.

. . .

Minilar commanded the La Kasami Kai to confront the Ishtam Fleet. The latest satellite photos and data sent from Japan had convinced the La Kasami Kai to decide on a fleet battle alone.

According to the data, the enemy fleet's composition is as follows:

- 1 battleship

- 3 heavy cruisers

- 3 light cruisers

- 12 small ships

- 1 large aircraft carrier

- 1 small aircraft carrier

Totaling 21 ships.

The battleship resembles the old Imperial Japanese Navy's Kongō-class.

Main specifications of the Kongō-class:

- Length: 222 meters, Displacement: 32,000 tons

- Maximum Speed: 30 knots

- Four 35,6 cm/45 caliber twin guns with a maximum range of 35,45 km

- Sixteen 15.2 cm/50 caliber single guns

- Six dual 12.7 cm high-angle guns

- Numerous machine guns

Just by looking at the battleship's specifications, the Muish Navy despaired. The La Kasami-class would be no match against it. Facing such a (from Mu's perspective) super battleship, deploying troops would only lead to unnecessary casualties. However, with the capital Otaheit in crisis, they couldn't afford to leave it alone. Leiforia was a former capital, but Otaheit was an active one. If this capital turned into a sea of flames, the victory of Operation Super Hammer would be nullified.

The Muish Navy placed a glimmer of hope in the La Kasami Kai. With the La Kasami Kai retrofitted with Japanese technology, she might be able to win. It was nothing more than wishful thinking, but they had no choice but to rely on her.

. . .

Minilar questioned the technical officer on the bridge.

"Do you think the Japanese technology can bring us to a victory in this one versus twenty-one battle?"

"Depending on the approach, we can bring it to a draw."

Minilar was surprised by Myrus' words.

"La Kasami Kai was modified on a short deadline, so we've essentially used Japanese escort ship technology as is. For example, the fire control system is a subset of the latest FCS3. Not all functions are available, but many functions are the same as those of Japanese escort ships."

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