Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free

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The Antares unit returned to the Gra Valkan fleet.

The returning Antares unit consisted of four planes. Initially, they effortlessly dominated the wyverns, but the situation took a turn for the worse when the wind dragons intervened. The fighters attempted hit-and-run tactics against the wind dragons, but the dragons exhibited maneuverability far superior to the wyverns, making it difficult. Despite attempts to outmaneuver them, the wind dragons could decelerate rapidly and ascend, surpassing their pursuers, or execute rapid descents impossible for the Antares unit. Even when trying to counter with horizontal (scissors) maneuvers, the wind dragons, with their smaller turning radius, would overshoot and emerge in front of the Antares.

Once caught from behind, high-speed compressed air projectiles, far more formidable than the fireballs, were launched. Although subsonic, these compressed air projectiles exceeded the destructive power of 20 mm autocannon bullets. Regardless of where they hit, they ensured a certain kill. It was originally a mission without much enthusiasm. The Gra Valkan pilots attempted to disengage, losing morale early on, but suffered significant losses. Despite managing to shoot down three wind dragons in dogfights, the Antares unit lost a staggering 13 planes. The kill ratio was less than 1:4, a humiliating figure (although Wuji shared the same sentiment).

Incredibly, upon returning in a battered state, they received a new order: the deployment order for the third wave.

. . .

"Commander, do you really think the enemy will come?"

The fleet staff maintained a skeptical attitude. It was the same for everyone other than Samejima.

"There's no certainty in war, but I believe there's a high probability they'll come."

Samejima was confident.

"They will launch a third wave to annihilate Escort Flotilla 0."

"Do you think they'll fall for such a childish deception?"

"They'll fall for it."

"And what's the basis for your confidence?"

Everyone in the CIC leaned in, listening intently.

"The enemy has desires. Weaklings like me would give up the operation when the first wave was wiped out. However, they brought out the Grade Atlastar and the second wave. The enemy hasn't given up yet. They know outright victory is impossible, but they believe they can manage a narrow victory. When they find out the enemy carrier is slowly retreating while spewing smoke, they'll definitely launch a pursuit to expand their gains. There might be some who are cautious, but their opinions won't be considered. The one who decides is the commander. It's not easy to stop someone entangled in their desires."

"Don't you think you're getting drunk with your own words, sir?"

Everyone in the CIC thought, "Is this guy serious!?" However, the one being addressed didn't show any sign of concern.

"Of course, I'm intoxicated. I don't have the nerve to engage in a life-or-death struggle sober. Besides, deciding is my job."

"...That's true."

The communication officer interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Sir, we've got the ASDF dispatch unit command on the line."

"The final actor has arrived."

"That's right, they're asking for you, Commander."

"Connect them—This is Zebra Command."

"Is that you? You're the bastard who came up with this bullshit plan!?"

Samejima was unexpectedly lambasted by someone furious.

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