Chapter 8 - Red Coast

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Aerial dogfights between fighter planes were incessantly unfolding over the Doiva Base.

"Shit, I've got one on my tail!"

The cry of a comrade echoed over the radio. Koenig responded calmly. "Break right."

As the Antares aircraft tilted to the right, magical light bullets passed the space where Antares had been moments ago. This time, Koenig squeezed the trigger. 20 mm autocannon rounds struck the Elpacio 3', and it descended to the ground emitting colorful smoke.

Koenig noticed something wrong.

"Out of 20-millimeter ammo. Returning to the carrier."


The two aircraft formed a formation.

"Watch out for the pursuers."

"Understood... Whoa!"

When Koenig turned to look at his wingman, he saw the wingman engulfed in flames and crashing. Instinctively, Koenig executed a left ascending turn with his Antares. There was no specific reason for choosing this maneuver, only a sense that maintaining the current situation was dangerous. As if to prove the correctness of his combat instincts, the aircraft narrowly avoided the light bullets.

'From below?'

Estimating the enemy's position from the trajectory of the light bullets, Koenig spotted an Elpacio 3' climbing from the lower right. Seemingly frustrated by evading the initial attack, the Elpacio 3' persistently pursued Koenig's Antares.

'Can I make it?'

Koenig subtly pulled the control stick, initiating a left bank while decelerating. If he continued like this, the aircraft would lose energy and be at a disadvantage. However, using the rudder to maintain altitude, Koenig minimized energy loss. Unable to keep up with the unexpected deceleration, the Elpacio 3' inevitably overshot and flew in front of Antares. It attempted to pull away by descending, but the Antares' gunfire was momentarily faster. Several rounds pierced holes in the Elpacio 3''s tail, but it continued flying away.

'The 7,7-millimeter isn't enough to finish it?'

Without pursuing further, Koenig returned his Antares to its course.

. . .

Taurus was gnashing his teeth. Thinking he had secured the kill, he had been dodged, and in the pursuit, he had been counterattacked. The hit on the tail was confirmed by the impact. So far, both the rudder and elevators were functioning, but the sensation was clearly off. Frustrated, he had no choice but to return to the mothership for repairs. As Taurus was leaving the combat area to return to the aircraft carrier, a distress call was picked up by the manacomm.

" the 42nd Squadron, we're being chased by two enemy fighters. Friendly fighters in the vicinity, requesting support!"

In Taurus' field of view, he saw a formation of Zigrant 2s and two Antares chasing it.

Taurus hesitated for a moment. Considering his own plane's condition, abandoning the 42nd Squadron and returning without aiding them would not be detrimental to him. However, Taurus reached out to the manacomm.

"42nd Squadron, this is Jam Leader. Moving to support."

. . .

The 42nd Squadron was flying at sea-skimming altitude, aiming to reduce the chances of being detected by the enemy and to prevent accidental bombing, which required low-altitude level bombing. Unfortunately, they were spotted by two Antares fighters. The formation had already lost two out of eight planes, but leaving the battlefield would mean starting over. Wyatt intended to hold on until the last moment but planned to retreat if they lost the third aircraft.

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