Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference

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Off the coast of Irnetia Island

As soon as the Shemali surfaced, the captain ordered all personnel to abandon the boat. As the captain stepped outside the submarine for the last time, a deafening roar echoed from above. Looking up, he witnessed two aircraft circling over the Shemali.

"Those must be the ones who hit us," said the XO who was waiting on the deck.

The captain hadn't expected the Mirishial Navy to be practicing anti-submarine operations with aircraft, a method that was still in the evaluation stage in the Gra Valkas Navy.

After coming back to his senses, the captain asked the XO, "Is everyone okay?"

"I've confirmed everyone's evacuation, sir."

"Alright... Your forehead is bleeding."

"You are too, Captain."

The captain wiped his forehead to check. He hadn't noticed due to the emergency red lighting (intentionally set that way to avoid causing panic among the crew).

. . .

The report from the Zigrant 2s which forced the Shemali to surface was heard not only by the Axe but also by the Scathia.

"Dispatch a few small ships for the rescue of the enemy submarine crew and towing of the submarine," Lettal gave this order and added a reason. "Both are valuable sources of information for us. Treat both the submarine and the crew with respect."

Then Lettal issued another order.

. . .

"Well done, Captain!"

Compared to the Scathia, the bridge of the Axe was in a festive mood.

"The credit goes to the flyboys," Roen replied to his XO.

However, this answer was surprising to the man addressed. Roen was not stingy, but he was not an altruist to the extent of attributing achievements to others.

Roen whispered to the XO so that only he could hear. "To make the watchdog work, you shouldn't skimp on the bait."

Hearing that, the XO turned uncomfortable. As a multiracial country, Mirishial outlaws discrimination based on race. However, just because it's prohibited doesn't mean that there's no lingering prejudice. As a wolf beastman, Roen had often been called a 'guard dog' behind his back. The XO felt like he caught a glimpse of some twisted aspect of Roen's mind.

But the transmission from the Scathia turned the entire situation upside down.

"This is the fleet headquarters, we will be assuming command of the air unit for now. Axe, continue the mission alone."

This time, Roen remained silent. However, his expression spoke volumes.

. . .

There was a certain rationale behind Lettal taking command of the air unit. To protect the fleet from submarines, it was indeed more rational for the fleet headquarters to take command of the aviation unit than Roen, who was already occupied with commanding the Axe. However, there was a miscalculation. The maneuverability of submarines was significantly different from surface ships. Most Mirishial Navy personnel knew nothing about submarines. Among them, the beastman captain of the Mangan-class warship that was modified for anti-submarine warfare was the one most knowledgeable about submarines.

Despite the initial spectacular achievements, the airstrikes from the air unit became a series of misses. Seeing Roen easily achieving results, the staff officers misunderstood things. Not knowing the tactics and maneuvering characteristics of submarines, they continued to issue misguided instructions. Roen, on the other hand, despite feeling bitter about the situation, silently trailed one of the submarines. The air unit's depth charges were not unlimited. Believing there would be another opportunity, he patiently waited.

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