Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride

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Asada requested the relaxation of the Technology Leakage Prevention Act to the central government, but was told, "It's still too early, wait." However, he managed to secure permission to disclose the fact that Japan had sunk numerous submarines. Before the meeting with Mirishial diplomats, Asada pulled an all-nighter to edit visuals for the presentation.

. . .

On the day of the appointment, Asada visited the Mirishial Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was received by Fearm. Although she was an intellectual who had previously visited Japan as a delegate, she was a somewhat troublesome woman. After exchanging greetings, Asada broached the matter.

"Have you had any negotiations with the Gra Valkas Empire recently?"

"...I cannot answer that question."

"I knew you would."

She didn't deny it; they were indeed in negotiations. Asada was convinced.

"I have something to show you today."

Asada took out a tablet from his bag. Fearm, who had experienced embarrassment with a calculator before, eyed it warily.

"Until recently, unidentified submarines were rampant in the Third Civilization Area."

What Asada showed was footage of submarines.

"This is a Cetus-class submarine from the Gra Valkas Navy's Eastern Fleet, the Kaffaljidhma. It was captured by the Maritime Self-Defense Force."

Fearm's eyes widened.

"You succeeded in capturing it!?"

"We discovered it violating our territorial waters, conducted an attack, and forced it to surface."

Fearm blinked her eyes in amazement.

"Since the same type of boat had repeatedly attacked our fleets, we sank them. Prioritizing the safety of our fleets over capture," Asada added an excuse at the end. "The number of submarines captured or sunk by us has reached 25 in the past two months."

"...How did you manage to sink them? It's impossible for our navy."

"We also own submarines. Naturally, we know their weaknesses."

Fearm struggled with conflicting thoughts. She wanted to know those weaknesses, and if possible, secure a deal over weapons capable of attacking submarines. However, she thought it was impossible for her to bow down to them. Asada played another video. It showed an escort ship sinking a Cetus-class submarine.

"Is this the same underwater projectile as the Gra Valkas Empire?"

"Underwater projectile? Oh, you mean torpedoes. It's not exactly the same, but the principles are similar."

Fearm swallowed the words: "Please sell them to us."

"Our country has received an order for the repair and modification of Mu's battleship La Kasami from Mu. We plan to equip La Kasami with torpedoes as well."

The sense of urgency within Fearm intensified. If what Asada said was true, the Holy Mirishial Empire would lag behind not only Japan but also Mu.

"Thanks to the efforts of our Self-Defense Forces, peace has been restored to the seas of the Third Civilization Area. However—"

Asada deliberately paused for a moment.

"The repercussions seem to have reached your country."

Fearm was a typical Mirishial diplomat—pompous, yet not incompetent.

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