Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front

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Flashback once again

The second wave of the Gra Valkan aerial units flew just above the sea surface like torpedo bombers. The first wave, comprised of fighters and bombers that were not flying at low altitudes, was the first to be completely wiped out. It seemed the enemy also possessed radar. In the open sea with no hiding places, the only option is to blend in with the radar wave noise reflecting off the sea surface. Even so, it's dangerous. In an unbelievable turn of events, the enemy has deployed a spotter plane with more advanced radar than their own capable of looking down while patrolling the area.

The squadron leader noticed a flashing signal from the scout plane ahead. Fearing interception, they had blocked radio communication. The blinking lights were translated into a code resembling Morse code in the leader's mind.

"No enemy rotorcraft in sight."

After transmitting the same message three times, the scout slowed down and fell behind the main formation. Now, the leader banked the aircraft and sent a message to the entire attack squadron.

"Formation A."

The formation moved in response to the leader's signal. The Antares fighters broke off. The Sirius dive bombers and Rigel torpedo bombers continued skimming the sea surface. Unfortunately, the detector of the currently operational Cartalpas Naval Base Anti-Air Surveillance Division does not use radio waves but a magical device.


Coordinates were transmitted to the Hyūga's CIC through manacomm.

"The enemy is splitting into formations. One is heading towards Cartalpas, we'll call this Alpha. The other is heading towards the Grade Atlastar, we'll call this Beta."

"Are they planning to divert the fighters to provide direct cover for the Grade Atlastar?"

While claiming not to understand aerial combat, Samejima tried to analyze the situation.

"The possibility seems high. Alpha is moving at a speed below 300 kilometers per hour, and Beta is moving at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour."

"There's no doubt about it. Beta is a fighter formation. Gra Valkan attackers can't reach that speed."

The fleet staff also nodded in agreement. Samejima became cautious. Despite saying "Leave it to me," the sense of responsibility as a commander was still at play.

"What about the possibility of Alpha being a fighter sweep?"

"I can't say there isn't, but if that were the case, there's no explanation for splitting into squads. The principle of concentrating forces is alive even in aerial combat."

Samejima accepted the words of the fleet staff sincerely.

"Our objective is to defend Cartalpas. We'll sweep Alpha. Wind dragon commander, is that acceptable?"

"Hmm, very well. But without fighter planes, the wind dragons alone might not be enough," Wuji said with consternation.

Feeling the urgency in Wuji's words, Samejima decided to drive the point home.

"The enemies are flying at extremely low altitudes. To minimize ground damage, try to lure them into higher altitudes as much as possible."

Cartalpas Base also made a similar request.

"Understood," Wuji responded, and while he conveyed it to his subordinates, it seemed that it wasn't entirely understood.

. . .

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