Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession

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The meeting began with the Japanese Foreign Minister taking the lead.

"We have gathered here today to share the information our country has obtained," he announced to the representatives of the major powers. The other three diplomats present at the meeting speculated that it must be about the Gra Valkas Empire.

"It's information concerning the ancient sorcerous empire."

This revelation surprised everyone present.

"Well, it's unexpected for the otherworldly country Japan to talk about the Sorcerous Empire," Moriaul remarked, partly surprised and partly condescending.

"It's only natural for you to have doubts," the Foreign Minister added and signaled to Asada.

Asada operated the console, projecting visuals onto the display in the meeting room.

"What is this...?" questioned Mykeneth, the Muish Foreign Minister, as he was unable to comprehend it. However, Liage and Moriaul were astonished.

"Why does your country have this?" "How does Japan know about it?"

"Liage-dono and Sir Moriaul, do you already know about this?" the Foreign Minister confirmed and then turned to Mykeneth. "This is a part of the ruins of the Sorcerous Empire."

"R-ruins!? I've heard rumors, but seeing it on video is the first time."

Mykeneth was impressed.

"Where did your country obtain this?" Liage asked.

"Do you know the Kingdom of Calamique?" the Foreign Minister inquired, but no one seemed familiar with it.

Asada then displayed a map on the screen. "It's an island nation further northeast from our country."

The revelation surprised everyone, as they had no knowledge of such an island, let alone a country.

"Discovered on that island, I presume?" Moriaul deduced.


"Has your country successfully deciphered these ruins?" Liage questioned.


Asada responded, projecting the ruins again on the left half of the display.

"After our investigation, we determined that it contains the principles and structures of core magic."

The explanation caused a chill to settle in the room.

"How can you say that?"

In response to Moriaul's words, Asada displayed characters engraved on a stone tablet in the three countries' official languages on the right half of the display.

"The explosive part of the divided spherical core is placed into the interior of a cylindrical stone pillar, and by initiating explosion magic, the cores are merged, and then an atomic fission is induced by simultaneously enveloping it with explosive pressure from multiple directions that result in a high-powered explosion."

"This is a part of the text engraved on the stone tablet. In reality, in the former world that our country once had, there existed a bomb with the same principle."

Asada replaced the visuals of the ruins on the display with a photo of a plutonium bomb.

"In the old world, it was a weapon referred to as a nuclear weapon."

The unexpected revelation left the diplomats of the three nations speechless.

"That's not all. The means of transporting core magic were also documented."

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