Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia

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Escorted by Bragston, Cielia emerged onto the upper deck and was stunned. The once majestic Grade Atlastar had turned into a pitiful sight.

"I heard there was a risk of sinking, but... I never imagined it would be such a fierce battle."

"A quarter of the crew has been killed or injured."

Upon hearing Bragston's words, Cielia trembled.

"You must be Chief Cielia of the Foreign Ministry."

Only when addressed did Cielia notice the presence of an unfamiliar man.

"I am Schmidt, captain of the Menkar belonging to the Eastern Fleet."

A submarine surfaced on the port side of the Grade Atlastar. On its deck, crew members were preparing for the launch of a seaplane.

"By government order, I will take you to the Leifor District."

"Apologies. Is it by that plane?"

"That plane can't go directly to the destination. We'll take you to another fleet, and from there, please inquire with the fleet personnel. I don't know beyond that."

"...I understand. Thank you very much."


The 24-hour marathon was coming to an end.

"Rubile Control Tower, this is Topaz Squadron. Requesting permission to land."

"Topaz Squadron, permission granted to land. Land on Runway 1S. Wind direction is 80 degrees, 4 knots, headwind."

"Roger, landing on Runway 1S."

"Confirmed the repeat. You're cleared to land."

With caution, Misora lowered the F-2B. An accident here would be disastrous.

The F-2B landed safely. Taxying towards the hangar, Misora spotted Heggie's F-2A landing on the runway. Maintenance personnel rushed over and set up the ladder. Despite appearing elderly, Heggie exclaimed, "Righto," and stood up from the ejection seat, carefully descending the ladder. Next, Gohan descended the ladder. In the meantime, members of the 8th Air Wing/6th Tactical Fighter Squadron continued to land one after another...

One aircraft had an accident, skidding off the runway. One leg was broken, and sparks scattered between the aircraft and the ground. Misora confirmed the number of landed planes. Five, which meant the sixth aircraft had an issue.


Misora called out the TAC name of the crew member and tried to run towards them. However, his steps became heavy along the way. Damn, why...

When he realized it, members of the 6th TFS were clinging to him, even Gohan.

"The heck you're doing?"

"That's our line," Heggie sighed in exasperation.

"The rescue team is already handling it. It's dangerous, and you'll only get in the way."

Misora turned around, and as Heggie said, it was true. Fortunately, there was no fire. Macho emerged from the cockpit. It seemed he was safe.

"Sorry, Gokuu-san," the big guy, Macho, was crying. "I messed up and busted the F-2. It's all my fault..."

"Don't worry about it. It's not your responsibility. In the first place, this operation was a mistake. The crew and I will apologize together."

Runway 1S was closed, and the remaining four planes safely landed on another runway. This marked the first instance of the JASDF losing an aircraft during a mission after the transference, but this precedent was effectively utilized. Such taxing missions were never conducted again.

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