Chapter 1 : The Traitor's Proposal

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With tears streaming down his battered face and body, the man implores, beseeching for mercy amid the crimson rivulets that stain his skin. "I implore you, spare my life," he pleads, willing to surrender to any demand.

"You should have reconsidered your actions if you want your life to be saved from the beginning. How dare you betray the trust given to you by our leader?" Taevan couldn't hold back his frustration and disappointment and didn't hesitate in his words.

"It never occurred to you that your family was waiting for you to come home? I pity your children; what a stupid decision you made," Ruel added. The man continued to sob and beg for mercy, but the leader just looked at him and said nothing. "Please, I beg of you, I will do anything, just spare me."

With a derisive snort, he stoops down, seizing the young man's chin. His visage contorts with disdain as he gazes upon him. The frigid demeanor and palpable aura he emits render the very air in the vicinity tense and foreboding, dissuading anyone with temerity from daring to defy him. "You seek answers from an ill-suited source, I am no deity. Compassion is a foreign concept to me, particularly when it comes to those who betray my trust." He motions for one of his subordinates to bring an end to the prostrate figure lying before them, the sight vexes him greatly.

"Please, no, I have a lead. I heard you are looking for the mystical flowers. I know that. Just don't kill me!"

He refers to one of his men to halt the movement of the sword. One of his men takes a step forward. "Do you mess and try to defy our leader even in your last breath?" In the chamber, the resounding cry of Taevan reverberated. "Taevan, stop, calm down. Let's hear what he wants to say," says Ruel, trying to be calm and stop the kid.

"I, verily, speak naught but the truth. Trust me, for mine own eyes have beheld it. Alas, thou art in pursuit of the wrong entity. The enchanting vegetation thou fervently seen is naught but a figment of the past, stripped away in times of yore."

"What do you mean?" Taevan's inquisitive words reverberated through the room, successfully capturing the undivided attention of his comrade and the leader from his seat.

"The final enchanting blossom has been utilized as a potent remedy, its efficacy undiminished. However, I caution you that the forthcoming divulgence, should you choose to end my existence, shall forever elude your grasp."

With a curious gaze, he contemplates whether this man is messing with him. However, whispers of a renowned adage, recounting the triumphant employment of the ultimate mystical blossom as a potent remedy, have reached his ears. Albeit originating from the elder generation, he remains skeptical, dismissing it as mere folklore.

Taevan, with an air of cautious skepticism, voiced his doubts, "I find myself unable to place my trust in him. This adage has been uttered on several occasions, yet it is only you and your esteemed lineage who possess the ability to employ it with such finesse," he informed the very figurehead himself.

"Please, no, I will help you. I know where you can find it; she has it!"

"She? I think you are mistaken. I'm looking for a mystical flower here, not a lady. " The leader spoke a second time when he heard him. As Taevan and Ruel prepared themselves to confront the leader, their intent being to offer a word of caution and dissuade him from placing trust in the deceitful man who simply sought to manipulate the situation, the leader, in a gesture of his hand, abruptly interjected, cutting off their intended discourse.

"Yes, so please believe me, indeed, a lady! It has been employed in her case. I believe she and her mother possess it. I shall assist in your quest to obtain it. I am cognizant of their whereabouts."

"Transport me to that location, and should you deceive me, your final exhalation will be administered by my own hand."

The man hugged the leader's feet, but he pushed him away and pointed out that one of his men had cleaned him. "Take care of him and help him. I will come home because I have to do something, get the information we need, and as soon as everything is finished and done, inform me. Hurry or I'm going to snap."

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