Chapter 6 : Bargain

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Daemin POV

There's nothing out of the ordinary. Just like what I had foreseen, Yuhi occupies her customary perch upon the rocks, she is clothed in an ensemble of resplendent emerald, her countenance is concealed from my view it is obvious that she awaits my arrival with admirable composure. Yet, upon her graceful pivot, a sight so arresting unfolded that it rendered me speechless, I saw tears cascade down her visage. Wasting no time when she saw me, she swiftly rose from her seat, clutching a satchel that undoubtedly belongs to her. Advancing in my direction, she envelops me in an embrace so fervent that her muted sobs reverberate within my ears, escalating from stifled sobs to resounding wails.

"Yuhi, what happened?" I hesitated at first, but I decided to continue to consolidate her on her back to calm and soothe her cries. "Daemin, sorry. What do I do? It does not work as we expected. I accidentally told her about you; she was angry with me. I have never seen her this angry before."

"Oh, Yuhi. Um,  please don't cry, please." I say, and she nods, wiping the tears that cascade down her face. "What should I do? She's mad"

"Easy, take a deep breath and talk slowly. I won't go anywhere. So take your time."

"So, tell me, how was it from the very beginning?"

During her memory recall, she told me about her attempt to surprise her mother with a homemade meal, considering that while she is at it, she will also be expressing her desire to see the vast ocean instead of getting the usual birthday presents of art supplies, new instruments, and books. Despite her fervent entreaties, her mother resolutely denied her the privilege of embarking on this aquatic odyssey, thus extinguishing her opportunity to delve into the boundless depths of exploration. As she proceeded to explain the distressing moment when her mother's voice erupted in an unprecedented eruption of fury, her emotions overwhelmed her once again, causing her tears to cascade down her face.

By the conclusion of her explanation, I discerned that her mother harbored a distinct aversion towards my presence, resenting my camaraderie and clandestine introduction. "Pray tell, what do you want to do?" I inquire.

"I'm contemplating the matter, I cannot help but ponder the potential self-centeredness inherent in the desire to refute my mother's erroneous beliefs and assertions. Undoubtedly, you bear no resemblance to the individuals of whom she told me. My intent is to assert this truth before her eyes. Assuredly, you do not possess even a modicum of similarity to those depicted individuals, right?"

I was too stunned to speak, unsure of what I should say. The truth is, I don't think like that myself, considering that her mother may be right, and for that, I am very ashamed. But what do I say, that her mother could be right about the things she had told her? But as the one who possesses such traits and intentions that people may identify as similar to them, I can't even tell her myself, for I'm afraid she will despise my very being.

With a heavy sigh, I begin. "Of course, I'm not like that.". She smiled at me. She seemed to be assured and was satisfied with my answer. "I knew it, but how can she say such a thing when she doesn't even know or meet you once?" I remained silent. I couldn't deny that my inner self felt burdened by an overwhelming sense of guilt that gnawed at my conscience. My desire to confess weighed heavily on me, yet the inability to do so held me back in equal measure. I know it will end up being no good. "She's probably just worried about you. Anyway, just keep in mind that if you need any help, just let me know, and I assure you, I am ready to help you" Her eyes lit from excitement.

"About that, as you can tell, well regrettably, I find myself devoid of any possessions. Going back to our abode seems like a bad option, for I ran away myself right after our argument, so if you, uh, like you know, might you perchance be acquainted with a haven where I may find respite? Should such a place exist, I am more than willing to engage in toil, offering recompense in exchange for their gracious hospitality. Do you perhaps know someone who provided or possessed knowledge of such an establishment?"

"Okay, I think I have one person in mind, but I need to talk to someone first. Do you want to go with me or wait here?

"I'm fine, I want to go as long as you are there." He offered his hand, and she gladly took it. "Well, if you say so, let's go"


Yuhi POV

Upon our arrival in the unfamiliar town, my senses were immediately captivated by its enigmatic aura. Adorned in somber hues similar to his own attire, a multitude of individuals roamed the streets, evoking an air of fear within me. My eyes were drawn to their bodies, embellished with a myriad of objects that pierced their flesh, and I was particularly taken aback when I beheld a peculiar sight, an individual proudly displaying a horn upon their brow. The notion of such an adornment left me pondering the delicate balance between beauty and pain.

"Were here." He gives me a hand and helps me to land correctly after riding the horse with him. "Thank you, Daemin"

"We will go in, but don't be afraid, you will be with me. Just stay with me they are all my men. Nobody will hurt you here, only a fool would dare, okay." I nod at his words and follow him behind. I can't deny that such gazes thrown upon me by unfamiliar individuals sure keep me uncomfortable, but I brushed it off. I trust Daemin. "Will you wait for me here? I just have to go through this one, you see that door? I need to have a short conversation with the people inside, okay?."

"I beseech you to return, shall you make your way back to me?" I inquired of him. In response, he silently acquiesces and bestows upon me his garment, enveloping me in its warmth. "Fear not, for I shall indeed return," he assures me.

As my eyes fix upon his entrance into the room, I remain unwavering in my attention. With eager anticipation, I yearn for the swift passing of time that will see him depart from the room he had entered.

As I stood at the threshold of my abode, two individuals cautiously approached me, their penetrating gaze sweeping over my very being. A disquieting sensation settled within me, prompting a swift withdrawal of my own scrutiny, as though a mere act of disinterest would coax their departure. "Oh my, what brings a lady like you to this peculiar abode?" they queried, curiosity laced in their tones. But I decided not to utter a single word.

"I don't think the lady can speak." A man grabbed my wrist, and I fell into a panic from the sudden contact of a foreign touch. I tried to release my wrist from his grip, but he was too strong. When he began to grasp them, I stopped myself from crying, for he squeezed them almost violently. I stepped on my feet and made myself heavy to make it hard for them to carry me, but it didn't work. The other man forced me to stand up and follow them to an unknown place. This made me unable to stop my tears from falling. Where is he? "Let me go." I screamed at them, which made one man snicker. "Oh, I'm wrong, the lady does know how to speak." When he approached and touched my cheeks, an enormous amount of disgust rushed through my veins. "Please, let me go, or you will be doomed once he comes back for me," I threaten him.

Daemin, please come back now. I mutter like a chant inside my head.

"Oh, really? Well, too bad my gaze is solely fixed upon your presence, I don't see anyone but-

"Didn't she forewarn you, as mentioned? Depart from her presence immediately." Finally, hearing his voice gives me a sense of relief. "Daemin." I tilt my head to take a look behind the shoulder of the man, and I can see him glaring at the man who is currently restricting me from any movements.

"Unexpectedly encountering you in this place, huh, Daemin, well, it was far from my expectations."

"It's my place, you and your men are the ones trespassing on it of course you will see me here. Now. I will not reiterate my words. Release her immediately.."

"Oh, are you referring to this woman? Is she in your possession? It seems you have acquired another one rather swiftly and impressively. Now, what if we strike a bargain? Allow me to purchase her for a price you name." 

As my eyes brimmed with tears, I implored Daemin, silently beseeching him to comprehend my vehement aversion towards this individual, let alone the prospect of being acquired by him. Surely, he would not entertain such an idea? The mere thought of being in the company of this man filled me with dread, prompting me to shut my eyes in an attempt to shield myself.

However, a frigid sensation suddenly materialized before me, causing me to recoil in apprehension. Gripped tightly in his hand, a knife, poised with ominous intent, presented a harrowing possibility of terminating my existence with a mere flick of his wrist.

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