Chapter 17 : Sea Maze Aquatic Creatures

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Taevan POV

The collective gaze fixates upon the grandiose screen, where the labyrinthine depths of the sea maze are vividly displayed.

Amidst the treacherous course, a palpable dichotomy of emotions pervades the spectators' countenances; some spectators are clearly enjoying the struggle and challenges they are facing, while others are clearly worried about the participant they have chosen to support.

Some participants encounter and valiantly wage battle against the menacing denizens of the aquatic abyss, while others, perhaps less courageous, opt for alternative strategies.

In a mesmerizing display, the expansive screen dutifully unveils the individual circumstances of each participant, meticulously segmented into eight distinct grids. The masterful host, employing a captivating lexicon, skillfully weaves a web of intrigue and fascination, effortlessly ensnaring the collective curiosity of the audience.

Khristian covered his eyes and said, "I can't watch this, there's fire everywhere around him! Why did he get to encounter the Blue Leviathan at the very beginning!? Is it because of his status!? I thought they said they would be fair!?" .

Like him, I am quite concerned about him as well. Khristian may exhibit great strength, yet deep down, he remains a vulnerable soul. In response, I draw him near and offer a comforting embrace.

The mere idea of witnessing this event fills me with dread, yet it is a necessary task despite the knowledge that there are only two impractical methods to conquer the Blue Leviathan. The bone of a virtuous human bathed in the Three Bloods of Fallen remains elusive and unattainable. The elusive weapon capable of permanently vanquishing a leviathan remains shrouded in mystery, its whereabouts unknown. Should such a weapon exist, its procurement would undoubtedly entail a formidable expedition fraught with countless hurdles. Perhaps limited to the privileged few, it would elucidate the means by which the esteemed authorities managed to ensnare a Blue Leviathan within the labyrinthine Sea Maze.

In the realm of the deep blue sea, a Blue Leviathan possesses the power to eliminate its rivals through consumption. Another one is a brutal act known as "bibbing", which is a form of punishment that mirrors the ruthless hierarchy of the natural world.

However, in spite of these circumstances, there exist strategies that have proven effective in countering a Blue Leviathan.

The object's fortitude proves inadequate against the formidable power of Thunder Materia, synonymous with lightning. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that Blue Leviathans possess a slightly resistant to sorcery overall, to ice, and to fire.

In the event that one handles the Thunder Materia with utmost caution, harnessing its power in harmony with other magical elements, there exists a possibility of subduing the creature should outright extermination prove unattainable.

In this particular instance, it is imperative that they capture the creature alive, as we are all aware that it cannot be eliminated without the appropriate weapons. Rather, the objective should be to restrain it and release it back into its natural habitat, deep in the ocean.

On the eighth panel of the expansive display, Yuhi engages in a fierce struggle against serpentine foes encroaching on the precious ruby she guards, while a colossal pearl behemoth looms ominously outside.

Occasionally, my eyes are drawn to a figure seated just two rows from me, despite my concern for my friend's well-being and their intense battle unfolding against the aquatic beast. Though she may be unaware of my presence, she holds a special place in my heart.

Gallee nudge my shoulder and ask, "I did not know Daemin's Aunt would be at the sea maze, did you guys perhaps told her about the Sea Maze?" I shake my head. "She may be here to provide support if she got the news, but I, too, was unaware of her attendance"

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