Chapter 12 : Crafted Agreements

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It had been three days since Yuhi's world had been turned upside down, discovering the truth about Daemin being a royal sorcerer, her mother's dark past of theft, and the mysterious flower that held the key to her survival.

After much contemplation, she resolved to rectify the situation. Realizing the importance of returning the item to its rightful owner, she acknowledged her well-being and the moral imperative to correct past wrongdoing. Despite the actions of the sorcerers who initially took it from Daemin's parents, she recognized the error in her mother's actions and the gratitude she felt for her mother's sacrifice. With newfound clarity and strength, she decided to do what was right now, knowing that she was no longer in peril.

After careful consideration, she hesitates before gently tapping on the door to his work chamber. His response, "You may now enter," comes after a couple more knocks. Without throwing a glance, he asked "What's the matter with your sudden arrival? It's been so many days? Have you eaten?" Yuhi collected herself and reminded herself why she had knocked on his door in the first place. "Yes, but I'm here for something different."

Intriguingly, his countenance remained inscrutable, rendering her utterly perplexed by the enigma of his mind. "I want to propose"

"What?" His voice was laced with confusion from her words.

"What I intend to mean is propose a d-deal between us," she declared clarifying her own words.

"Is there some sort of agreement being discussed? I would appreciate some clarification on the matter," he asks.

"I believe you know my burning desire and dream since I opened up to you last time and told it to you myself and it seems like you remember it still, I know it might seem simple to others but for me, it isn't.  Having a chance to explore, embrace new experiences, witness the expanse of the ocean firsthand, acquire knowledge, forge meaningful connections, and challenge preconceptions, all of it runs deep within me. I am driven by the need to showcase to my mother the inherent goodness in humanity, even amongst those from foreign lands. My ultimate goal is to defy her expectations and lead a fulfilling existence, in turn, I will do my best to help and assist you to fulfill your aspirations for searching the remaining mystical flowers you haven't found." Despite his stoic expression from her explanation Yuhi continued to push for his acceptance of her proposal, determined to assist him in locating the remaining mystical flowers and returning one of the ones he sought.

As he reclined in his seat, his penetrating gaze fixed upon her, casting doubt upon the proposition at hand. Meanwhile, her thoughts swirled, meticulously assessing the situation but she continued still stating "Typically, I am not one to engage in transactions of this nature. However, rest assured, my integrity shall prevent any abrupt withdrawal on my part. Therefore, shall we proceed with this endeavor?" she inquired, her voice laced with assurance.

He didn't speak for several minutes. "Are you sure about this? The truth is that I neither agree nor disagree with your proposal," he says, not taking his eyes off her. "I'm sure," she replies.

"I always formalize agreements through contracts. I may seem skeptical of verbal agreements. Are you comfortable with this approach? By now, you should be aware of my abilities as a powerful sorcerer. I prefer actions over empty promises."

"I concur. Let us formalize an agreement in writing to ensure mutual approval of our arrangement."

"It is imperative to acknowledge the ramifications that may ensue should any party involved breach the terms outlined in the contract, don't you agree?" He asks, and she nods in response, saying, "I am well aware of that fact."

"It's not that I write much into the contract, but if one of us breaks it, what do you think the consequences will be? For in my opinion, traitors and liars are so evil that I detest them, but since I owe you my life, this time I will not go the way of taking yours. But I can guarantee you that I can turn your dream into a nightmare if you choose the path of breaking it." He issues a warning and communicates silently through his expression, yet she understands it without the need for spoken words, perceiving his unspoken message.

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