Chapter 7 : A Healer in Disguise

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Daemin POV

As I stepped out of the door, a wave of panic surged through me when I couldn't locate Yuhi where I had left her. I hurriedly searched for her, but then I abruptly halted upon hearing a scream that strangely resembled her voice.

Anger boiled within me as I witnessed her shedding tears while being restrained by the man.

"Didn't she forewarn you, as mentioned? Depart from her presence immediately," I stated as the man spun around, a disapproving expression on my face. What compelled this detestable individual to appear before me?

"Unexpectedly encountering you in this place—huh, Daemin, well, it was far from my expectations."

"It's my place, you and your men are the ones trespassing on it. Of course, you will see me here. Now. I will not reiterate my words. Release her immediately.."

"Oh, are you referring to this woman? Is she in your possession? It seems you have acquired another one rather swiftly and impressively. Now, what if we strike a bargain? Allow me to purchase her for a price you name." Those concluding remarks uttered by him disgust me, as he cautiously hovers the blade dangerously close to the exposed area of her chest.

I throw the knife that I keep in one of my pockets just enough for the man to stumble back and let his grip on her loosen. "I explicitly warned you to release her, yet you, you despicable creature, chose to ignore my words."

"Don't approach. Simply remain in your position and shut your eyes, Yuhi," I share with her when she attempts to go near me, to which she acknowledges and complies. With a burning determination to safeguard her from witnessing my imminent actions, I swiftly and promptly carry them out. A torrent of anger surged within me as I proceeded to sever his throat, indifferent to the stain his blood left on my garments.

He warned with a smirk, defiantly offering his final words while I observed his hands gesturing towards an unseen target. It was my own foolishness that blinded me to the fact that there were actually two adversaries. My anger clouded my perception, driving me to confront the audacious man who had dared to use his weapon against me. Without hesitation, I grabbed the concealed dagger from my pocket and swiftly hurled it in his direction, piercing his skull with precision before he could make his escape. I tripped and fell, causing a noise that caught Yuhi's attention. She opened her eyes and saw me in a kneeling position. She abruptly came closer. "Uh-oh, you're bleeding! It's my fault, I apologize, Daemin. Please don't die..."

I tried to endeavor a word, but my moral compass was of no use. Darkness infiltrated my sight.


Yuhi POV

I hold the motionless body of the man who rescued me in my lap, but I am unwilling to acknowledge this somber truth. It is beyond belief that he could surrender to the grasp of death. I am driven to act, to interfere somehow, as I cannot endure being a spectator to his sorrowful destiny. I was struck with a sudden realization that took my breath away—the awareness that I had the ability to assist him in the same way I once did with my mother's situation. However, I hesitated due to a wavering uncertainty about using this ability outside of our safe place. Yet, the fear of his potential demise hung over me, compelling me to ignore my doubts. His brave actions granted me the gift of life, and it was my existence that led to this current situation. Casting a discerning gaze upon my surroundings, I fervently ushered him towards a more concealed haven, away from prying eyes.

"Don't worry, Daemin. I will save you. I can save you," I whispered. I wiped the tears that seemed to run down my eyes momentously since I laid my eyes on his now almost lifeless form.

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