Chapter 16 : Aid Ruby Guardian

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Thirteen hours prior to the initiation of the Sea Maze Quest...

The sun began its descent beyond the horizon completely casting a dark sky filled with little glowing lights. As I gazed upon the scene unfolding in front of me, I couldn't help but find myself lost in contemplation. The world seemed to slow, as if time itself had decided to take a pause. In that moment, the myriad of potential outcomes plaguing my mind prohibit any semblance of slumber.

Am I truly capable of fulfilling the obligations and mandates of being a guardian for the sea maze? My understanding of this odyssey is utterly naught, let alone shouldering its safeguarding single-handedly.

What would be the outcome if no soul were to successfully navigate through the intricate labyrinth leading to the vast expanse of the ocean? In the event of a delay, what repercussions would ensue? Might it plunge me into a perilous predicament, imperiling my very existence? Could this fateful journey mark the conclusion of my mortal coil?

Since I first crossed the threshold of my chamber, these matters have lingered in my thoughts. Suddenly, a resounding knock disrupted my reverie, leaving me curious as to the identity of the visitor who would disturb my solitude at this hour?

I was shocked to see who it was when I went to open the door, but I was relieved that he was okay. "Taevan! You're fine! Why are you not resting? You look weak!" I motioned for him to come in and take a seat on one of the cushion chairs.

"What are you doing ?" He asked. I was silent for a moment. "Hmm?" He hum, expecting for a verbal response instead of silence.

"Nothing, I was just thinking - I can't seem to sleep, and you?" I replied.

"I too find myself in the same situation, however, to speak candidly, I discreetly retreat from the confines of my abode."

I gasped as I process his words. No, he did not. "Oh no, why are you doing this? Let's go back to your chamber now. You will definitely make them worry about you. You should be resting!."

"It doesn't matter. They are busy with other things now and won't notice that I'm gone. I will help you. I heard that you were selected as the guardian of the Sea Maze Quest this year. Is that why are you thinking and you can't sleep?"

Of course he will know, they probaby told him. "Indeed, that explains why, and it truly astounded me. I find myself at a loss as to where to commence in my contemplation."

"Allow me to lend you a hand in commencing your journey. I want to teach you basic things on how you can protect yourself. Although it may hold limited utility as I remain uncertain of the constituent element integrated within this year's enigmatic Sea Maze expedition, it shall, at the very least, equip you with some knowledge, shall it not?"

"Really? How are you going to teach me? You're not looking very well. There's only 13 hours left until the event starts. How confident are you that I'll follow what you taught me and do well?"

"Fear not, for I am here to lend you my aid, as well!"

The melodious tone from the entrance captured my focus "Prince Khristian..."

"We will help you. My cousin is here too, come in, Gallee." My gaze strayed from the door once more as a shy woman elegantly dressed in pink attire came inside.

"Greetings, Yuhi. It is a pleasure to meet you but how I wish we met in other circumstances for this one reason is unpleasant but anyways, I am Gallee. I am aware of the circumstances surrounding your presence here, and I can only imagine the fear that must have gripped you upon hearing your name being announced"

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