• Happy Accident

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I've been keeping a huge secret from Draco.

I've recently found out I'm pregnant with our third child and I'm happy but nervous to tell Draco.

Draco and I already have two beautiful kids. Scorpius and Alissa.

After having Alissa we agreed to not have anymore kids, but when you're married you get carried away.

I obviously need to tell Draco and we'll decide what to do.

I think I want to keep it.

"Mommy!"  Alissa squeals while running into the room.

"Hi baby!"  I smile and pick her up setting her beside me on the sofa.

"Mommy I want McDonald's for din-din.  Can you ask daddy when he get home?"  She pleads me with her big eyes.

"I think he would listen to you more than me."

She shakes her head.

"Where is your brother?"

"I don't know, somewhere."  She shrugs.

"Scorpius!"  I call out and I immediately hear him running.

"Yes mum?"

"Your sister wants McDonald's for dinner, do you want McDonald's too?" 

"Sure."  He smiles and comes to sit with us on the sofa in the library.

We just sit there and talk for a couple minutes until we hear a car in the driveway.

"Daddy!"  Alissa squeals and runs for the door.

Scorpius and I follow her.

Right when Draco walks in Alissa jumps into his arms.  Draco catches her with a smile and spins her around causing her to giggle.

"Hey darling."  Draco gives her a kiss on the cheek then puts her down.  He then makes his way to Scorpius ruffling his hair.  Finally he looks at me and gives me a sweet kiss.

"Ew guys."  Scorpius says.

"Why are you saying 'ew'?  I've seen you kissing a girl at the playground."  I raise my eyebrow at him and he looks down.

"That's my boy."  Draco smirks and I hit him on the arm.

"Kids why don't you two go play for a couple minutes.  I have to talk to your father about something."  They both run off somewhere.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

I don't say anything, I just grab his hand and take him to the library.  We both sit on the sofa and I nervously rub my hands on my thighs.

"What's wrong?"  He places his hand on top of mine.

"Remember when we agreed to not have anymore kids?"  I whisper.


"Well, we have made a happy little accident..."

I look up at him and see his eyes wide.

"And by 'happy little accident' you mean..."  He trails off.

"A baby.  I'm pregnant." 

He doesn't say much he just looks at me and grabs my hand.  "Well I guess we're having another baby."

I smile.  I didn't expect him to be so cool about it.

He pulls me in for a hug and kisses me on the temple.

"Mommy, daddy!"  Alissa's voices breaks us apart.  "Did you tell daddy?"

"Yes she did baby.  Are you excited?"  Draco smiles.

"Of course I'm excited!"  She squeals and runs over into Draco's arms.  He pulls her up onto his lap.

"You are going to be the best big sister ever." 

"I'm going to be a big sissy?"  She has a puzzled look on her face and looks between Draco and I.

"Yes...I thought that's what you wanted your mother to tell me."  He looks at me.

"No.  I wanted mommy to ask you for McDonald's.  I'm going to be big sissy?"  She has a smile on her face that's just so adorable.

"Yes you are sweetie.  You are going to be a big sister to the baby in mommy's tummy."  I smile and put my hand on my stomach and she does the same.

"What is going on?"  Scorpius appears in the doorway.

"My boy you are going to be a big brother again."  Draco smiles at his son.

"So mum is going to get a big belly again?"


"What?  That's what happened last time you told me I was going to be a big brother."  He shrugs.

We all stay quiet until Alissa pipes up.  "McDonald's daddy?"

We all laugh.  "Sure sweetie.  I'm sure our happy accident would enjoy some McDonald's too."

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