• Misbehaving in Church

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I come from a very religious family. The Catholic religion to be exact.

When I'm not at Hogwarts I go to church with my parents every Sunday. Even when I'm at Hogwarts I'm still praying regularly.

It is currently Easter break and my boyfriend Mattheo is spending it with me and my family.

He's sleeping in a separate room which he isn't to fond of.

Today is Easter Sunday, the day Jesus resurrected and went to Heaven.

This day is a big deal in my religion and family, and of course we go to church to worship and celebrate.

I got dressed up into a cute Easter dress.

(The Outfit)

"You look so pretty princess

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"You look so pretty princess." Mattheo says from my door.

I turn to look at him and smile. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

We both make our way downstairs so we can leave.

Once we arrive to the church we take our seats. It was pretty crowded when we arrived so the only available seats were in the back row.

As time passed, the mass began. We prayer, read from the bible, and sang songs.

Right now an older woman that is a very active member in our church is reading a passage.

I'm tentatively listening but that gets interrupted by a hand sliding under my dress and onto my thigh.

"Mattheo." I turn to him and whisper.

"Shh, pay attention." He smirks and looks back up to the front.

I try so hard to pay attention but it's pretty difficult when your boyfriends hand is caressing your inner thigh.

I'm finding it harder to control my breathing as well.

Mattheo is very lucky that my dad hasn't noticed. If he did Mattheo would never be allowed near me again.

"You're my good girl, right?" Mattheo whisper in my ear while slightly bitting it.

I gulp. How do I respond to that?

"Answer me baby."


"Yes what?"

"Yes I'm your good girl."

I feel his smirk against my ear. He's going to get a good smack when we get out of here.

Once the mass is over we spend about fifteen minutes just talking with the people of the Church.

I introduced them to Mattheo and a lot of the ladies were very excited that I have a boyfriend.

We eventually leave and head home. Mattheo and I go upstairs and I basically shove him into my room.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" He smirks.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He gives me a confused look but that smirk is still there. "Your hand. On my thigh. In church!"

"Oh right." He walks over to my bed and takes a seat. "It's just a habit."

"That you need to learn to control. There are times when you shouldn't be touching me like that Mattheo, and one of which is during church."

He stands up and walks towards me.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll try to behave next time." And he kisses my forehead.

Yeah right.

My Mattheo never behaves.

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