Chapter no.9: Double Battle?!

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[ POV Change ]

Austin took out the Pokedex to check the data he managed to get. "Pidgeotto, the Bird Pokemon, the evolved form of the much gentler Pidgey, is armed with sharp claws and dives to capture its prey. This Pidgeotto is Female and the Ability is Tangled Feet." The Pokedex informed him. "Currently this Pidgeotto knows Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, and Quick Attack. The Age of this Pidgeotto is Nine Months."

"Another girl?" Austin said in surprise because he always thought of Pidgeotto as a Male as a kid.

"Well, we have a new friend guys," Austin said not believing that he had five Pokemon already and he wasn't even out of the Forest. 'Just one more and I'll have a full team.'

He was just about to start cleaning up the camp when he swore he heard voices nearby.

"We've been wandering this forest for a while, I thought you knew where the exit was Jessie."

Austin's eyes widened. 'It couldn't be.'

"It's not my fault you couldn't peddle that bike correctly." Jessie's voice snapped as they sound like they were getting closer.

Pikachu and Spearow tensed, recognizing those voices while Caterpie and Rattata looked confused.

"Meowth, I can't believe that bike was destroyed by those Wild Pikachu's."

"Ugh just seeing a Pikachu reminds me of that twerp." Jessie snarled as Austin went slowly back away only to step on a fallen tree branch and a loud snap was made.

"Wait I just heard something, I think someone is nearby." James' voice sounded relieved. "Maybe they'll know the way out of here."

That was all the warning had before the Rocket Trio came out of the trees nearby.

"Thank Goodness-." James stopped as they saw Austin.

"It's the twerp!" Meowth said as Jessie smirked.

"We found you just like we planned."

"I heard you guys being lost." Austin deadpanned to them. "And I don't know where the exit is either, but it should be nearby."

"We don't need directions," James said as Jessie got into position.

"Prepare for Trouble."

"Make it Double-."

"Thundershock the ground in front of them."

"What-?" All of them were interrupted by a Thundershock that caused them to back up.

Jessie was the first one to recover. "Hey at least let us finish our Motto."

"I heard it last time," Austin said shaking his head. "You do realize no one is going to take you seriously if you do that."

'I can't stand hearing that Motto again.' Austin thought as both Jessie and James just took their Pokeballs and sent Ekans and Koffing out.

"We owe you some payback for getting in our way in Viridian," Jessie said with a smirk.

James had the same look. "And what better way than to take your Pokemon away?"

"So this again-?" Austin gave a grin as he looked back. "Rattata, Pikachu you guys up for it?"

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