Chapter no.119 Vs Casey

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With the end of the Elimination rounds, the real event of the Clubsplosion was finally in place, as thirty-two trainers had been able to defeat their opponents and made it, this far, into the tournament. The speed and sheer effectiveness with which the entire deck had been rearranged overnight left Austin gaping in wonder. The four podiums were gone, and in their place, was a single, large, elevated platform, with two separate podiums for the trainers to stand on either end of the large platform, which would be used as the battleground from now on. Even the outer periphery had been modified, now enlarged to incorporate space for a larger audience, now that the number of participants was merely thirty-two, and it would grow lesser by the hour.

"So, Ash, ready for the main deal?" Brock slapped his back jovially, underestimating his strength as Austin nearly fell face-first.

"Yeah, I was, until that fatal attack on my backbone." Austin scowled, rubbing his back absently, much to Brock's snorting.

The two were gazing at the list of participants for the Top-32 battles. Austin was going to face a certain Casey, a girl from Johto, who, it appeared was obsessed with striped pokémon. Casey had an Electabuzz, a Chikorita, and a Beedrill. It says that her Electabuzz was able to defeat most of her opponents single-handedly."

A boy beside them whistled

"Must be one hell of an Electabuzz."

Austin looked up to see it was Harrison as Brock exclaimed "Electabuzz are fairly powerful pokémon, you know. Their evolutions are almost the pinnacle of electric-type."

" Pika, Pi !"

Brock tried to calm the furious Pikachu.

Of course, they would be. Austin scowled inwardly, as his eyes scanned down the list of names for Harrison, "you are… fighting Ethan, from Ecruteak City. He has a… Lastly, a Kadabra, and a Growlithe? That's a rather solid team."

Harrison smiled and said," Harrison !"

"Well, not everyone gets to battle weaklings." Harrison mocked what Austin recognized as Paul's mannerisms. "Some of us have to battle real opponents out there."

"Of course." Austin drawled.

Brock said, "Though if you are fighting Kadabra, I suggest you something that has an adverse effect on the senses. Kadabra is especially vulnerable to anything of that sort."

"You are knowledgeable about psychic pokémon, you know that?" Harrison replied bleakly as he gazed at Brock who sheepishly rubbed his head and said," Well I have to be knowledgeable if I want to be a successful breeder."

Harrison raised an eyebrow before nodding as Yellow, Kris and Gold came toward the trio.

" Your match is going to start soon right Ash," Kris said to which Austin nodded.

Gold exclaimed," Don't lose out there I have a lot of money riding on you ."

Kris turned to Gold with a death glare who immediately hid behind Yellow.

" What did I tell you? "

Gold smiled before saying," Come on, Kris I have a feeling that I am going to strike gold this time ."

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