Chapter no.84 Kitty's Evolution

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Around two days later, Austin had Krabby out in front of him as the small crab Pokemon stared at him, he sent Bulbasaur back to rest after an incident with Energy Ball exploding in his face.

"Krabby, the River Crab Pokemon. While awkward on land, their pincers are superb weapons that can grow back if broken off in battle. When Krabby senses danger they cloak themselves with bubbles from its mouths to appear bigger." The Pokedex told Austin as he scanned him for the first time. "This Krabby is Male with the Ability Sheer Force. Currently, this Krabby knows Bubble, Mud Sport, Vice Grip, Leer, Harden, Bubblebeam, Mud Shot, Metal Claw, and Chip Away. The Age of this Krabby is One Year and Four Months."

"Not a bad move pool," Austin said with a nod to the latest member of his team. "It says here you can learn Fury Cutter, Brick Break, and Dig, what do you think of adding those moves to the list?"

"Kookie." Krabby pinched its pincers together, not caring one way or the other, but he did eye his new trainer curiously due to being a wild Pokemon his whole life and began to approach him with a playful glint in his eyes.

"And maybe I can have you join Squirtle in learning Ice Beam." Austin had his chin cupped in thought now before he felt pain as the Krabby pinched his shin causing him to cry out, trying to get the playful Krabby off of his shin.

"Staryu use Rapid Spin!" Misty ordered while she and Austin were having a Double Battle.

" Starmie cover Staryu with a thunderbolt."

"Krabby Mud Sport to counter the thunderbolt and Raticate, block the Rapid Spin with Iron Tail."

The four mentioned Pokemon all jumped into action with Staryu flying all around with Rapid Spin, a bolt of lightning following behind, enough to where the Starfish wouldn't be caught by accident, but Krabby shot the mud in the air, canceling the thunderbolt while Raticate watched before jumping up, her tail glowing as she made contact with Staryu.

"Psybeam when Raticate lands," Misty said, Starmie complying as Raticate found her left foot caught before she could move out of the way. "Now Staryu, Power Gem!"

"Cate!" Raticate grunted the rock move blasting her back, but she got up quickly and unleashed a Thunderbolt that blasted into the Staryu, knocking him down while Krabby used Mud Shot on Starmie. The starfish Pokemon immediately got back up.

As Starmie was shaking his body, Austin already gave the next order. "Ice Beam!"

Raticate opened her mouth and fired, but the beam disappeared right before it hit the Starmie.

"Starmie return," Misty said seeing that as she knew the Weed Pokemon wouldn't be able to win with this disadvantage.

Austin sighed at that. "Oh well," He said a bit down that Ice Beam didn't work, Raticate looked furious with herself in that. "It was a lot better than last time though, give it a few more tries and you'll master it."

Staryu looked up at Misty, wondering if they should continue before she shook her head as they found some problems needing to be addressed in the battle itself. "Ash, Ice Beam is a pretty complex move, especially for a Pokemon who isn't a water or ice type learning it, Raticate was tired when you ordered it."

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