Chapter no.136 Team Rocket's Attack part 3

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Austin coughed when he landed in the Kitchen right on a sack of flour, the substance kicking into the air covering him. "Ugh, I feel sick."

Looking around Austin wanted to curse "Pikachu and Butterfree are gone."

"Shit." Austin cursed quickly pushing himself up, quickly sending Raticate out. "Team Rocket is here we got separated from the others."

Raticate gave a nod, understanding that, and got ready to defend her trainer.

After a moment's hesitation, Austin sent Squirtle out as his Blackglasses would come in handy if they ran into Petrel again.

Exiting the kitchen, Austin had to duck as a blast of fire nearly took his head off and he saw Jessie and James standing nearby. "Worked like a charm Jessie," James said sending a Magneton out while Jessie had a Magmar, making Austin cautiously back up surprised by the two new Pokemon to their ranks.

Okay, this is bad.

"Surrender twerp or be prepared for quite a beating, this has been a long time coming," Jessie warned him. "Your electric rat and annoying bug aren't here to protect you."

"You forget about my other Pokemon," Austin said his eyes flashing red with Raticate and Squirtle preparing themselves. "Bring it on."

While caught off guard by the eye flashing, Jessie and James got to commanding their Pokemon.


Pikachu groaned and held his head before shaking it.

He can worry about the splitting headache later, right now Ash needed his help.

So he went to take off only for a familiar Pokemon to cross paths with him.

"Hey there rat," Meowth greeted with a smile as his claws came out. "Fancy seeing you here, Meowth."

Getting on all fours, Pikachu's cheeks began to spark. "Pika Pi." He warned not wanting to fool around.

Instead of looking intimidated as he did in their first meeting, Meowth just grinned before becoming a blur and Pikachu felt a blinding pain in his side as Meowth was suddenly past him, dark energy on his claws.

"How do you like my Shadow Claw?" Meowth asked Pikachu quickly shaking the pain off surprised by the sheer speed Meowth just showed. "You're not the only one who got stronger, Meowth."


An explosion of flames erupted around the kitchen area as Squirtle fired Water Gun after Water Gun at the Magmar, using Rapid Spin whenever the Magneton got too close before Raticate shot in with a Brick Break slamming the Magneton away.

"Sonic Boom," James ordered the move hitting Raticate, slamming her into the fridge where Magmar went to take advantage of that with a Flamethrower.

Austin ordered a 'Protect' with Squirtle moving in front of Raticate before deciding to fight dirty by looking around and seeing the flour.

Sending out another Pokeball, Charmander popped out looking surprised by what was going on. "Quick use Dragon Rage on the Flour."

Blinking in confusion, Charmander quickly listened catching Jessie and James off guard as flour covered the whole kitchen from the following explosion covering them all in flour.

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