Chapter no.141 Team Rocket's Attack part 8

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" Bzz." Kitty made some motions with her stingers while Misty followed her right as they ran into Yellow, Gold, and Kris. "Zz!"

Kitty buzzed as she flew right up to Yellow in concern seeing her unconscious.

"What happened?" Misty asked as Gold was carrying her on his back.

"Team Rocket had some sort of Super Muk that tried to kill us," Kris explained to her while Gold looked a bit taken aback when the Beedrill gave him an evil look for some odd reason. "Yellow fell asleep after the fight though as she was exhausted."

"Uh, can someone stop this Beedrill from threatening me?" Gold asked with a stinger pointing right at his throat. "What did I do?!"

"Gold just put Yellow down," Misty said knowing that Kitty was pretty overprotective of Yellow, especially considering how much like Brock Gold was at times with his flirting.

And with how they were all separated, chances were that Kitty was now paranoid beyond belief about her trainer.


Heads turning they saw Pikachu running towards them relief in his eyes but he looked worried about not seeing his trainer.

"At least we're finding each other," Kris said with Misty giving a nod in agreement.

But she wasn't sure where the others were.

Xatee's eyes glowed once more as she looked down the hallway before she began to fly. "Alright, Xatee found someone else," Kris said running after her small bird, the others not too far behind her, finding Gary and Brock who looked relieved to find them.


Inside the Banquet Hall, Executives Butch and Cassidy, who had arrived alongside Proton, were facing an angry Lorelei and her pokémon, who were lashing out angrily toward their own. The other trainers were fighting against the grunts, though with the poison spray from the dozens of Weezing, there were several who had fallen on the ground, poisoned by the gases, as they screamed, holding their burning throats.

"Deugong, Aurora Beam. Milotic, Water Pulse!" Lorelei commanded, the latter attack blasting open one of the walls, carrying several Weezing with it. "Blastoise, Poliwrath, use hydro cannon, full power!"

"Dodge that Weavile, and kill that Blastoise," Cassidy yelled, leaping to her left to escape a full-powered ice blast that would have frozen her.

"Hyper beam!" Lorelei roared.

"Supersonic!" Butch returned. "There is no escaping this, Elite four Lorelei. The Indigo League will be no more after this night."

"Over my dead body." Lorelei snarled, plucking out more pokeballs. "Beartic, Abomasnow, freeze them with Blizzard."

Where the hell is Lance when you need him?


[ Austin's POV ]

I tried to stop my anxious heart but given the current situation, I was in it couldn't be helped.

Glancing at my pokeballs, I thought that I should transfer them to professor oak's lab to get treated while I'll transfer them for Pokemon like Fearow and Scyther who would be more than able to fight these team rocket members.

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