Chapter no.58 Austin vs Damien

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Austin slowly opened his eyes. "Morning Charmander." He said giving a smile at the lizard who looked down, seeing the bandaged arm and the lizard looked ashamed as he turned away.

"Char." Charmander murmured a brief apology only to flinch as he felt a hand on his head and Austin began to rub him.

"You don't have to be sorry, I'm just happy that you're alright," Austin said to the fire Pokemon.

Standing up, Austin looked at Bulbasaur and frowned.

"Were you up all night?" Austin asked as Bulbasaur looked away.

Sighing, Austin pulled out a Pokeball.

"You should get some rest," Austin said to him. "Thank you for keeping watch for everyone."

"Saur." Bulbasaur looked as if he wanted to protest before he yawned and that caused him to give a nod, allowing himself to be returned.

"Hey Charmander, I'm going to go for a walk, do you mind telling Pikachu if he wakes up before I'm back?" Austin asked as Charmander looked surprised that Austin asked him as if he were more than a simple creature before giving a hesitant nod. "Thank you."

Thank you.

Thank you.

Those two words echoed in his head as Austin left the room.

It was the first time anyone thanked him, especially for something so small.

Looking outside as the sun was shining, seeing the rainwater drip off the trees, he saw Austin leave a few moments later.

But his eyes widened as he saw Damian leave a bit later with an annoyed look on his face, following Austin.

He knew that look.

It meant that someone was going to get hurt.

Pushing himself up, Charmander moved to wake up Pikachu. "Mander Char." Charmander said causing Pikachu's eyes to open in exhaustion.

"Pi?" Pikachu asked rubbing his eyes.

"Mander." Charmander said that his trainer was in danger.

All exhaustion left Pikachu's face at that.


"Fearow come on out." Austin let the giant bird Pokemon out with a cry. "It was raining badly last night so I couldn't let you out to fly, but it's nice out so I figured you would want to."

Fearow gave a nod, not caring but he was happy to have a chance to stretch his wings as he took off flying.

Austin had a smile on his face as he saw Fearow enjoying himself despite acting as if he wasn't and he watched for a few moments in silence.

Austin was then sucker punched by Damian who grabbed the Pokeballs off of his belt.

"I told you to watch your back kid," Damian said holding Austin's Pokeballs in his hands. "I figured I owed you for that punch you gave me earlier."

Austin glared as he stood up. "If your 'friends' weren't there I would've done worse." He spat out glaring at the guy who pulled out a Pokeball.

"Yeah, well let's see how tough you are without your Pokemon." Damian sent out a Machoke causing Austin to back up. "Go on, try to punch me and get your Pokemon back."

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