Chapter no.127 Clubsplosion

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Sometime later on the deck of the ship, Austin and the others were talking.

" You surprised us, Misty," Austin said with a sweat drop as Misty was holding onto Brock's ear.

" Well, Rudy convinced me to enter the tournament."

" Oh! Speaking of Rudy, where is he? "

" He said he had a call to attend to ."

Austin said before feeling something push against his leg.

Looking down, it was Yellow's tentacool who was having a conversation with Squirtle.

" Brock, can you tell me more about the Alola region? "

" Well, Ash I don't know much but from my research, there isn't a pokemon league in the Alola region and the region comprises many islands each with its unique ecosystem. The region is considered a vacation hotspot"

Austin nodded as he was reminded of Hawaii.

" Hey, Ash?" Came a somewhat uncertain voice from behind.

Austin spun around instantly, surprised to see Shirona standing there, behind him. "I uh… came to congratulate you on the match. That final move kicked that Kingdra's ass." The moment she spoke those words, Misty spun around, as Cynthia shut her mouth, realizing who the other person was as Brock appeared in front of Cynthia with a bouquet.

" May I ask from which part of heaven have you descended."

Cynthia looked confused as Zubat bit Brock's neck with a leech life as he fell to the ground.

Austin face palmed himself as Yellow and Kris came towards the group.

Cynthia looked at Misty while saying "Uh… no offense. Your Kingdra was pretty powerful too."

"Thanks," Misty replied tersely, glaring at the blonde-haired girl in front of her, and wondering what she might have to do with Ash. "And you are?"

"She's Shirona." Austin introduced, "she's with the Sinnoh League envoys."

Misty raised an eyebrow. She had met the League envoys that were residing in the rooms on her side, and this girl wasn't one of them. She stepped forward elegantly, extending her hand at the stranger. "Pleased to meet you."

Cynthia shook her hand gingerly. "Likewise."

"So you are a trainer?"

"Nah!" It was Austin who answered. "She's a veteran, who now does some boring, unspeakable job for the Sinnoh league. Though, I am supposed to believe that she can kick ass whenever she wants."

Cynthia chortled at that explanation. "That sounds about right."

Yellow and Kris looked at Cynthia in awe.

"You seem to know an awful lot about her." Misty accused, keeping any kind of hostility from her voice. Something about the girl's association with Ash didn't feel good to her.

"Yes," Cynthia chuckled. "Ash did treat me to ice cream the previous day, rather magnanimous considering he almost lost all his money."

Misty looked questioningly at Ash before elbowing yellow who was frozen in shock while Kris looked worried for her friend.

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