Chapter no.140 Team Rocket's Attack part 7

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Cynthia had to give it to him. Steven Stone had a way with words. In less than a few seconds, Metagross let go of his psychic power, as the people slowly walked out of the Banquet Hall, towards their respective rooms. Even from inside the hall, the sounds of people still panicking were audible.

"Well, that was the best we could expect, I guess," Steven murmured, glancing at Cynthia who was standing with Garchomp. Harrison similarly, was ready with his Houndoom along with every other trainer.

"I might have won the Champion's position but I still have much to learn," Cynthia mumbled as she watched Lorelei talk to some of the naval officers about the defenses of the cruise.

"Harrison, can I expect you to fight?" Steven asked.

"You need to ask?" Harrison said with a nod

Steven activated his now-ringing Pokenav. "Lance is calling. Can I expect you guys to handle it while I make the call?"

"Sure." Cynthia nodded in agreement.

Within the next fifteen minutes, many of the trainers had been back. By the look of it, it was clear that most of them hadn't bothered with their stuff, merely put everything they got close into their trainer bags, put their belts, and raced back to the Hall. Some of them even had their pokémon out.

Cynthia took a step forward. "If you have water types or flying types at hand, get them ready. Worse comes to worst, get yourself on your pokémon and get out of here. Those who do not have water types or flying types, join groups with those who do. If it falls short, do not worry." She cleared her throat. "As I said, do not worry. We have water transport available in case it is needed. Those who wish to battle against these terrorists, please step forward, and follow my command."

Several dozen people stepped forward. Harrison could see many familiar faces in them. Meanwhile, Steven had returned to the Hall. "I just had confirmation from Champion Lance. Ace Trainers and the Champion himself are arriving any time now." He paused, looking at the front row of trainers, with their pokémon ready for battle.

"We have a teleportation deployment service going on with twenty Alakazam in action." Steven turned towards Harrison and Richie. "Can I trust the two of you to make sure that the evacuation goes on without a hitch?"

"We'll try our best." Richie croaked.

Harrison nodded again. "Don't worry."

"Very well." Steven turned towards the crowd. "The teleportation service will transport twenty people every two minutes to the nearest city. Please follow- Harrison and Richie ."

"Richie to the evacuation points. This is for those who cannot help us fight the terrorist, that is." Steven finished.

Personally, Harrison thought it to be cunning. By calling into the bravado of the trainers, Steven made the evacuation look like cowardice, and nobody wanted to look like a coward. It would help matters much, but at least, it would decrease the tension over the evacuation.

"We need a group of people on the deck with me and my group. The rest of you need to stay here with Lorelei and Glacia. The ship staff will handle the rest. Is that clear?"

The crowd answered in a cacophony of voices.

"Cynthia. We need to get the other passengers who are still in their rooms to safety. Can I trust you on that?"

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