Chapter no.100 SS.Anne Cruise

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The cruise much to Austin's surprise was going to be for a week and lets off in Celadon City and the tickets they had were first-class rooms showing yet another difference from the timeline he knew.

Misty of course enjoyed it while Brock liked his room. Yellow however looked a bit uncomfortable due to how she wasn't expecting anything so lavish.

The same with Austin because he was always a simple person so this was a bit much for him.

And there were way too many people on this ship, even more than he usually sees in school so he was uncomfortable being around that crowd.

But right now he was by himself with Pikachu on his shoulder, accidentally bumping into a middle age man who was wearing a black suit with a dark brown trenchcoat over it.

"Sorry about that." He said with him giving a polite smile.

"It's no problem, young man," The man said disappearing into the crowds.

Austin however blinked as he did that before his eyes widened as he recognized the middle age man.

' Was that looker just now ? What is he, doing here? Does the international police know that team rocket is going to attack this ship?'

Shaking his head, Austin walked around with a lot of high-class people giving him weird looks.

At first, Austin didn't know what was up before he realized that his clothes were a bit scuffed up and dirty compared to theirs, along with Pikachu despite being brushed in the same boat as him. Thankfully none of them sneered or look down on him, but they were most likely wondering just how he got the ticket in the first place.

Austin frowned thinking that being on a ship wouldn't give any field advantages so he wouldn't be able to practice them. 'And since we'll be here for a week it'll be the best place to train.'

Austin briefly wondered where his companions were before thinking that Misty was most likely on the deck taking advantage of this to sunbathe, Brock was probably flirting with every woman on board along with Zubat keeping him in check. As for Yellow-... Austin didn't know, maybe she was with Misty?

'I should probably look for her to make sure.' Austin thought as if Yellow wasn't with Misty it would be a bit overwhelming by herself.

The only reason Austin wasn't overwhelmed despite being uncomfortable was that Pikachu was with him.

"Hey Pikachu, any way you know how to find the others?" Austin asked curiously with Pikachu sniffing the air.

Despite how there were a lot of new scents and people that made Pikachu's head spin, he could just make out the familiar scents of Austin's travel companions. "Pika!" Pikachu pointed in a direction with Austin smiling.

"Thanks, pal." He said knowing that he wouldn't get lost.

But as he moved through the crowd he ended up bumping into someone else. "My bad-," He stopped his eyes widening when he was face to face with Green, and from her eyes widening she recognized him as well. "Crap."

Leaf Green just smiled a bit mischievously. "Hey there, Ash wasn't it?" She asked remembering the name from the note as Austin took a step back.


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