Chapter no.122 Vs Ken

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[ The next morning ]

"Welcome to the second match of today's Top-16 battlers. This time, the participants are Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and Ken from Viridian City, both of which are in Kanto." The commentator exclaimed. "Ash, who has demonstrated a wide variety of pokémon under his command, is going to battle against Ken, who has been winning every single battle with his fire team."

Austin who had been calmed down by Professor Oak last night was now feeling better knowing the fact that even if the Pokemon league wanted his Charmander they couldn't do anything since his sponsor had been Professor Oak who had enough connections to immediately fix his problem if it ever arose.

The platform in front of them suddenly let out another hiss, as it started to sink until it was at least a couple of feet deep in when halves of a new platform slid in from either side.

"The battleground for this match has been chosen to be Rock-type." The commentator stated.

"This will be a three-on-three battle. Rotation is allowed." The referee stated, "Blue Trainer, choose your Pokémon."

Austin, the Red trainer for the battle, stood in wait as Ken brushed his red hair aside.

" Ninetales, go battle." Came the voice of the stoic Ken.

The red light that inundated the stadium slowly ceased, leaving behind a dazzlingly beautiful, brilliant white fox with long, fluffy tails, all nine of them, folded around her to give the appearance of a throne. Her red eyes, along with the luxurious white fur, formed an avid juxtaposition between ethereal beauty and lethality, something even Austin couldn't help but admire.

' That's settled. I need to get myself a Ninetales one of these days.' Austin thought inwardly, as he selected his pokémon.

"Squirtle, I choose you." Austin made his choice, as Squirtle appeared in front of the silvery-white fire creature.

"And Ash has chosen Squirtle against Ninetales. Will Ash's Squirtle be able to prevail against Ken and his Ninetales?" The commentary ran in the background, as Austin muted it out, focussing on the match.

"Ninetales, use fire blast!"

"Squirtle, use Aura Sphere !"

The two powerful attacks slammed into each other midway, as the powerful fire blast from Ninetales met Squirtle's aura sphere crashing into a giant explosion.

"Ninetales, use fire spin." Ken shot back.

"Stay where you are, Squirtle, and use protect," Austin commanded.

"Ninetales, use Flare blitz!"

Ninetales howled, as it gathered a powerful conflagration before thrusting it out towards Squirtle.

"Counter Shield ."

Squirtle retracted into his shell as jets of water shot out creating an intricate shield made of water.

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

Squirtle's counter shield was like a never-ending barrier that slowed down Ninetales's flare blitz to a stop.

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