Chapter no.85 Alpha Beedrill

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" Ash," Yellow said making Austin turn back towards her to see a lot of determination on her face now. "I want to battle you."

Austin blinked, not expecting that before seeing that she was holding Kitty, showing that she was going to help give Kitty the final push to evolve causing him to smile as he knew just who to use in this battle. "Got it."

Holding Squirtle's Pokeball, Austin had the Pokedex in front of him as he pressed the right buttons before it glowed, transferring Squirtle for the right Pokemon as Kitty was on the field across from him.

"This will be a one-on-one match between you two," Misty said being the referee as Brock was making dinner for the group. "The battle will end when either one of the Pokemon is unable to battle or when one of the trainers gives in."

"Butterfree, take the field," Austin said sending the bug Pokemon out who looked surprised as he saw his opponent.

It was kind of ironic here when Austin caught Kitty as a Weedle, Butterfree was a Caterpie, and now they were going to have a battle showing how far they came.

Misty looked at them a little unnerved by the two Bug Pokemon but she took a step back. "Begin."

"Poison String!" Yellow made the first move as Kitty shot a net of a string with the poison needles on it right at the butterfly, who did a twirl as he dodged the attack. "Quick use String Shot to get to a high vantage!"

Kitty quickly reeled herself towards a tree, hiding in the bushes.

"Can you see her?" Austin asked earning a nod from his Bug Pokemon. "Alright Psybeam right where she's at."

Butterfree wasted no time in blasting the purple energy at Kitty who quickly used String Shot to pull herself out of harm's way, ramming Butterfree with a makeshift Tackle as she did so, sending him rolling in the sky before disappearing into the bushes again.

Austin smiled a bit remembering the first practice battle he had with Yellow when Kitty was a Weedle.

Yellow has come a long way.

'Time to kick this up a notch.' Austin decided his smile becoming a smirk.

"Butterfree use Chemical Warfare!" He said deciding to try out the combo he gave Butterfree that week.

Yellow's eyes widened as she didn't realize he manage to get Butterfree to learn that as the three different spores shot from Butterfree's wings, all of them glowing purple to show that Butterfree was controlling where they would go with his Confusion attack as they shot at Kitty's hiding space, engulfing the cocoon Pokemon before she could move.

The Poison part didn't bother Kitty all that much due to obvious reasons and she was doing good with fighting the Sleep part. But the Stun spore part had her locked up with enough time for Butterfree to slam into her, sending her flying from the tree back to the battlefield where she rolled, struggling to regain movement.

"Psybeam!" Austin said seeing if Kitty could get out of this or if this was the end of the battle.

The purple energy erupted from Butterfree again, but a blinding light emanated from Kitty, the light blasting the Psybeam away.

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