Chapter no.16 Battle at Pewter City part 2

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Austin sighed and returned her. "You did great Rattata."

"I'm impressed," Brock said as Geodude was panting. "You're a lot better than I first thought you would be, especially using Pokemon that aren't normally strong against Rock Types like that in your first Gym Battle."

"Thanks, but the match isn't over yet," Austin said feeling relieved that he was allowed to use the rest of the team considering the strength that Brock was showing.

"No, it isn't." Brock agreed as Austin tossed out his third Pokemon, Spearow. "Another flying type?"

"Aerial Wing!" Austin ordered, confusing Brock before Spearow became a blur as his wings glowed slamming into Geodude, the speed adding to the strength causing Geodude to finally fall unconscious. "Alright."

Spearow landed on the ground, feeling proud of himself despite the fact he only finished off the Pokemon after it was weakened by the others.

"That speed… You combined Aerial Ace and Steel Wing?" Brock asked in surprise as Austin grinned.

"Yeah while training Spearow to learn Steel Wing, he ended up learning Aerial Ace as well," Austin explained as Spearow held his head high. "So I figured why not put those two together to add some real damage."

"Some trainers don't think of doing that until much later." Brock pulled out another Pokeball. "But you're about to deal with my strongest Onix!"

"Groom!" A giant snake Pokemon made completely out of rocks emerged as it gave a roar that shook the building.

"Whoa," Yellow said as Kitty cowered a bit at the much larger Pokemon.

Pikachu shivered at seeing the sheer size of the Pokemon as Spearow took a small step back, not expecting that.

Austin meanwhile was showing some slight fear due to how much bigger Onix was than he was expecting.

"Rock Throw!" Brock didn't waste any time as that snapped Austin out of his stupor.

"Use Aerial Ace to dodge," Austin ordered as Spearow took to the sky, dodging the many rock projectiles that Onix was launching at him. 'If just one of those hits it'll be bad.'

"Use your tail to knock it out of the air," Brock said.

As Onix raised its tail, Austin thought. 'Now.'

Austin gave an order. "Spearow, Steel Wing to knock the tail away."

"Spear!" Spearow's wings glowed as they knocked the tail away to keep on flying.

"Now Aerial Wing." Austin wanted to finish this quickly but Brock had another trick up his sleeve.

"Rock Tomb."

Onix roared as it slammed the tail on the ground causing rocks to fly up, knocking Spearow off course before its tail wrapped around the small bird.

"Bind it."

Spearow cried out as Onix put pressure on him.

"Stop, Spearow has had enough," Austin said not wanting anything to happen to him.

Brock gave a nod as Onix let Spearow go and the bird was stumbling as he hit the ground before Austin returned him. "You know the limits of your Pokemon pretty well." He remembered how Austin called Pidgeotto back earlier. "That shows how much you care for them."

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