Chapter 20: Late with the Two-Faced and Idol Squirrel

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First of all: I forgot this in the previous chapter 😑👍

"A true friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you." 

–Kenji Miyazawa

"There is no need to fear the past. The past is just a memory. It's not real." 

-Yukichi Fukuzawa

On Sunday morning, I went to the mall to meet up with Kushida and Sakura. Normally, I would have preferred to spend the day on something more important like eating or sleeping, but I'm the only one who can help with this. For some reason, Sakura was waiting a few meters away, completely covered, with a mask and a hat.

It would have been normal for all of us to leave the dorm together, but Kushida is quite complex about these things, so we decided to meet at the location.

Kushida: "Good morning!" *Amidst the hustle and bustle around her, Kushida approached, with a wide smile on her face.*

Ranpo: "Good morning, Kikyo!"

Kushida: "Sorry. Have you been waiting long?"

Ranpo: "Yes, you're late."

*Her smile wavered a bit, but she managed to say,* "Sorry, I lost track of time."

Now I wonder how long it will take her to notice Sakura's presence. Although now that I think about it, her way of dressing gives me some clues. I think at this point it's obvious that she's an internet celebrity or at least an idol, and she's doing a terrible job of hiding it.

"It's the first time we've seen each other on a day off. It's refreshing," *said Kushida, pretending to blush.*

Kushida is becoming increasingly strange; on one hand, she tries to keep her distance and treats me with hatred whenever she can... but at the same time, she's fulfilling everything I ask of her perfectly, even pretending to be in love and that we're best friends in public.

Kushida: "Weren't you very busy during your free time last week? I'm glad you came despite that, Ranpo-kun."

I guess she's referring to my recent movements with Horikita and Ichinose; I suppose her biggest hatred is that others receive the attention she wants.

Ranpo: "Yes, it's actually been very annoying weeks."

Kushida: "I guess so..." *She falls silent for a few seconds and then asks,* "And what about Sakura-san?"

I guess she doesn't find the presence of a stranger suspicious, dressed incognito.

*I laugh blatantly in her face,* "Oh, didn't you notice poor Sakura beside us?"

Sakura, visibly nervous and sitting on the bench next to us, stood up and gave a shy bow.

"Sorry, I didn't stand out much, I suppose... Good morning," *said Sakura.*

Ranpo: "HA not enough, I noticed you as soon as I arrived; I was just waiting for you to take the initiative."

Kushida took a few seconds to apologize repeatedly. After that and a little casual chat about her attire, we set off for the repair shop.

Kushida: "Let's see, I'm sure they have a repair shop somewhere. Let's check it out."

As Kushida headed towards the back of the store, I stayed alone with Sakura but kept close to Kushida.

COTE- The best detective has to study???Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang