Can's Albatross Dreams and Turkish Tea

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Can headed home with a huge smile on his face and a renewed energy. He had finally talked to Sanem and had an incredible encounter with her. She was the first girl he had ever felt this way about in his long 14 years of life! Her smile, her eyes, that perfume! He was so excited to tell Emre and Osman about it, that he decided to run home. 

He hadn't said much about Sanem to his two brothers. Emre was his brother by blood but Osman might as well have been one too. They will probably make fun of me mercilessly, he thought to himself but it was worth it!

Running in the door still wearing his big goofy grin and breathing heavy from the run, Can saw his parents sitting at the table with looks of concern. 

Baba..why are you home so early? Can asked, as he put his hand on his dad's shoulder.

Aziz looked up at his son, not knowing how to break the news. He had been working so hard in the new school and had barely been there a month. 

Sit down, Can, Aziz said quietly.

Baba..are you ok? Can asked, starting to get concerned.

Son, I have some bad news. I, ah, I was let go today from the photography company. They said they had a bad year last year and it was starting to catch up with them and they let me go, Aziz said, finding it hard to look in his son's eyes. He had heard that a lot of people were losing their jobs after a slight recession had caused businesses to downsize.

That's not fair, though! You've been with them a long time, baba. You work so hard! Can said, getting visibly upset.

Son, everything is going to be fine. I can work more hours now with the taxi company and I'll find another job in photography as soon as I can. I don't want you to worry, Aziz said, trying hard to sound optimistic.

When his mom took him by the hand, something became clear.

Can, we're so sorry, son. We know how hard you've worked to catch up at the new school and how much you've loved being on the team but we can no longer...Merihban said but was cut off by Can.

No, no. I understand anne. Don't you worry. I'm happy to go back to my old school, Can said with a brave face, hoping he was hiding his disappointment well enough to ease their pain.

You're a good boy, Can. We're so sorry. We will make it up to you somehow, she said with a smile.

Anne, can you do a favor for me. Can you call the school and talk to the coach about me just coming tomorrow to practice to say goodbye to my teammates, please? he asked.

I already did, Can. I knew you'd want to do that. Coach Ferit said that he would like that very much, she said with a weak smile.

Thanks, anne. Baba, don't worry. You'll find something soon. I know you will. I can take your place helping at the grocery store after school now so you can work more hours at the taxi company, Can offered.

No, Can. Taking care of our family is my responsibility. You go to school and have fun after classes with your friends. I'll be fine. I love you, son, Aziz said with a proud look on his face.

Can kissed his parents and went to his room. He sat on the bed and laid his head in his hands. There was nothing he could do but wait and see how he could help his dad. The disappointment was crushing but nothing was more important than his family.

When Emre got home, he found Can moping in his room and asked what was wrong.

Did baba talk to you yet? Can asked.

No, I walked home with Osman since we got out the same time and I came in the back door. Why? What's wrong? Emre asked.

Can knew that Emre, being a year younger, might worry more than he already was so he just told him that their father wanted to get more time in at the taxi company and wasn't going to be with the photography one anymore. He hoped it was just enough information to keep him from getting too upset. He was almost 13 but he worried a lot.

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